Trading in D4. Does it even exist?

I think the loophole with not being able trade legendaries is that imprinting aspects onto rares makes them legendary. You can even upgrade them to rank 4 afterwards.

mmm I think people are hoarding more legendaries than they need to be if they don’t have space for good yellow items to trade away.

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You can enchant them too. Something to consider when looking at yellows to buy from people. As long as only one affix is undesirable its a good buy.

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there was a video early in the week out of china that showed someone sold an end game weapon for a bunch of real money, so somehow they transferred it

You’re ignoring the rest of the post. It all factors together, it isn’t just the one thing. You asked why people aren’t trading and I answered the question. There isn’t some big mystery here.

No reason to be defensive about it. You can hoard that many legendaries if you want nobody is stopping you. I just think its unnecessary.

lol I’m not trying to argue with you whether the logic people are using is right or wrong, but that’s the logic they’re using. I don’t personally care about trading one way or the other, I always play SSF in arpg’s.

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Everything worth a crap is bound on account. What is there to trade?

Rares can be turned into legendaries and rares are tradeable. Often your best gear will start out as a rare.

i mean yeah you right, but with loot 2.0 system you got like 100 rares of each slot per level. And i highly doubt that anyone need anything. Besides that(as far as i understood) rares that drop to you always require you level. So there is no chance that it could work for trade.

While really well stat’d ancestral rares will be sought after and worth trading for… the fact of the matter is…what is there to give in return for the item that the seller (trader) would want?

Gold? Gold is infinite, while it is needed now, it is also very very very easily farmable. There is no other currency or commodity in the game that is highly sought after or wanted that could support a trade economy.

Enabling the trading of Legendary items, Unique items, and Aspects, would certainly help. But it still doesn’t resolve the matter of there is no high trade currency or commodity to help sustain a trade economy.

I also have a post on the topic here, that was having a discussion on the matter at one point.

There is no reason to trade in this game. Uniques and legendaries are account bound. Affixes are BOUND BY ITEM LEVEL BRACKETS.

For instance 620-720 is a bracket. You can have the following pants drop.

Cool Pants of The Bear iLvl 620
+27 Strength [24-34]

Fancy Pants of The Monkey iLvl 640
+30 Strength [24-34]

Level Pants of Leveling iLvl 719
+24 Strength [24-34]


The affix rolls you see possible ARE THE ONLY POSSIBLE AFFIX ROLLS FOR THAT BRACKET. There is no difference between 620 pants and 719 pants apart from the type of affixes themselves. THERE IS NO TIER SYSTEM FOR AFFIXES. A +STRENGTH AFFIX IS THE SAME +STRENGTH ROLL AT iLVL 620 AS iLVL 719.

If the 719 pants could roll higher tier strength (because y’know, they’re higher iLvl) then there would be more interesting choices to make and better itemization overall. For instance, it could have 3 affixes that are “okay” for my build but a T1 strength roll of lets say 80 [80-100].

It doesn’t work that way though. So after level 53 when you get all your sacreds with good affixes that’s it. You’re looking for MARGINALLY better gear at best.

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This is incorrect. There actually IS “affix tiers” between item power levels. I’m not sure of the exact item power level breakpoints that the affixes go up to the “next tier” off the top of my head but the information is out there.


Do you have proof?

All the items I have that are in the same item level bracket have the EXACT same possible rolls.

For instance, all pants have a +SINGLE_STAT of [24-34]. At a higher bracket, sure there is a high roll. But there are 100 ilvls of nothingness.

EDIT: I see what you’re saying and I mispoke in my OP. U right. I meant “within” item brackets.

Is this the latest troll tech?

Services are in high demand.

Not “in” game wink wink :eyes:

Trading exists and is definitely worth doing.

The problem is it’s very hard to line up a deal. In D2R you could create a game for example and say “trading shako for X” and people would join and barter etc. If that didn’t work you could use 3rd party sites or the discord channel.

In D4, finding people in game to trade with is near impossible. Discord and sites are mandatory. Most casuals won’t even attempt to solicit a trade this way.

You can’t say trading isn’t good or viable. There’s some OP yellows for trade right now with people trading them for gold.

If you really want to build strong you’ll be trading for that BiS yellow and farming for that good aspect roll. People just haven’t figured that out yet, because it’s hard to do.

Just have open trade and implement an in game equivalent to jsp or auction house. The only reason jsp exists is because there used to be no way to facilitate trade besides the title of your game.

3rd party sites like traderie are amazing and super popular for people who dont want to deal with forum gold but still want to make trades. Having an in game way to do this would get rid of 99% of peoples perceived “”““RMT””“”

Honestly there is only 2 ways to have trading that isnt a car wreck and super user unfriendly.

  1. An Auction House, the best way. Put items in there set a price or an auction. And people can click to buy it plain and simple.

  2. The GGG (PoE) approach, they wanted some more friction so they do not want an auction house. Your stash tab is your action house. You set a stash tab as public. You list your price by right clicking the item. The item goes up on the pathofexile website. People can search and filter similar to an AH. You click on “message the seller” Then you paste it in game and it will auto whisper the seller. “Hi, id like to buy your X item for Y”
    the person then invite you to a party and you go to their hideout and you do the trade.

There is really no other way. Like D4 right now is 3rd party website and or discord. Which is just awful. Have to add people to bnet i assume as well. uggh.

Also JSP tried to get a foothold in PoE, but never managed because there is superior ways to do trading. JSP will only work if it is the best/easiest way to trade.

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Trading system, the current best solution needs to be similar to Last Epoch, not POE, POE is outdated!