Trading has to go away

Of course i did.

Would you like to contribute something substantial to the discussion or is this all?


Both groups can be happy. Although I suspect the traders will still complain for some reason.

errrr that doesnt answer the question.

I mean, only thing thats agreeable really is that Trading needs some work. It doesnt feel the best right now with the in game chat.

as for the ssf mode. you can play ssf right now. what hinders you?

Here is a game called [DIABLO II] or something, people spend thousands of hours in the game in order to get a piece of equipment. People still praise that game (although I don’t really like it), and I can’t deny that it’s a “good” game (including Trade). And, just TRADE save the low drop rate of D2 i thought :thinking:.

The drop rate is part of the longevity of the game (although TOO LOOOW drop rate does affect the mood), but it really depends on your “Pursuit”, as I said earlier, I only set myself the goal of 1 GAs and being able to complete the PIT 100 happily, so the drop rate doesn’t seem so “Low” to me :innocent:.

My bad, you are right…

Grinding 80% of my playtime in Helltides/Blood maven. Rest of the time was pretty much Pit.

In principle, this would be so if the game were not balanced around equipment. And since the performance of the assembly can only be assessed with maximum equipment, in principle, the OP’s words make sense.
If you don’t care, why shouldn’t others care? This game is about equipment.

And here, too, it is impossible to say for sure, since there is (not yet verified information) that the drop is controlled by the server, taking into account the statistics of equipment on the server. In this case, trading can greatly influence the drops. Given the trends in item characteristics, this may soon be confirmed.

PS. You are a player from China, as you know, gold traders are also mainly from China. Do you happen to have any direct interests in preserving the current system?

Grinding 80% of my playtime in Helltides/Blood maven. Rest of the time was pretty much Pit.

Yeah, that’s what you’re trying to say (and I understand you) - after about 200 hours per season, the game is a bit “boring” now. This is due to the lack of End-game gameplay, which is something that must be improved urgently - Not “Trade” or "Drop rate“ or something.

I would argue that both things have to improve.

I’m a big fan of Max-min Gears, but it’s limited to what I can get through Loot, so “In principle” I don’t care about people trading to get what BETTER gears - that’s what I’m trying to say, i do not mean “good gear doesn’t make sense” :innocent:.

drop is controlled by the server

I don’t want to discuss unverified things, so this pass.

Do you happen to have any direct interests in preserving the current system?

Nope, because I don’t have much time to play and I only played one rogue (rapid fire) this season, I didn’t get addicted to that maiden all the time, my main game content was PIT100 for MasterWork my 1~2GAs & come to forum for some tears of my pity Sorc :smiling_face_with_tear:.
Although I understand that RMT is indeed prevalent among Chinese players, it not good but never hurts me.

Even, I think Trade has increased the number of people buying/playing this game in china (Chinese sometimes really chase “Profits”), so for the sake of game development, I even think Trade is “Beneficial” :rofl:At least when about to “Trade”, I respect BLIZ’s choice.

You should not have to play solo just to get rid of trading.

So, either remove trading, or add two different factions/modes that players can join, for trading or self-found.

As for droprates, it is already too easy to get items, so the balancing should rather go in the opposite direction.

Agree, Im not against. In fact, increasing the “Effective Drop Rate” is also part of the End-game.
For example, S5>Infernal Hordes. It has chests that are guaranteed to drop GAs - this is also a “Boost” in drop rate, and a new “End-game-play”, and now we need more of this new stuff that will stop us from getting bored easily.

Agree. AH required or ded gmae

Why does trading hurt anybody?

Dont trade - still got everything i wanted to have and what i need to clear Pit100+ with multiple builds.

I would rather say… Streamers have to go away :slight_smile:

People blindly copying their playstyle and builds; watching them for hours to get their gear - just so they themselves play the game for an hour and whine why they dont get anything; literally PAYING those people to steal their gaming experience - that should go. Trading can stay.

It should just be implemented in an ingame version instead of a third party stuff or discord.

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Try getting a good amulet for Rogue. Even a single GA to any meaningful affix like Exploit or Malice is so rare that it’s almost non-existent. On my fourth Rogue this season and have yet to see a single GA with Weapon Mastery, not even sure if I’ve even seen a non GA one drop and it’s sort of requirement for Barrage if you want approach the likes of Heartseeker or Pen Shot.

Keep the drop rate the way it is and add ssf mode. That way they can suffer in silence

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gave me a laugh :stuck_out_tongue: i mean yea, why not i guess xD

I might as well say that I am Mao Zedong. We both know that this is not true, but no one can prove anything.
Besides, I don’t know what a min-maxer is, I know what a “nerd” is. But then what are you doing here?

There is such a function as “quote” to understand what you mean.

I understand that you are a noob, or a purchased extra. But your interest can explain a lot. Especially if you are new to the game.
And turn off the translator when quoting from traditional Chinese, it greatly distorts the meaning.

His English is fine you trash can.


Is it a general characteristic of yours that you are happy when people around you are unhappy with something, or is it a specific characteristic that you like to do on the internet?

i dont know you so i couldnt care less if you are happy. i value my happiness obviously higher than yours.

Hence why i said that i want trading to stay.

seconded. but heck, its hallfrom.