Trade Reable but now uber bosses are disable now?

we get trade reable but now we cant summon any uber bosses

i tryed all 6 locations —cannot spawn with stones only the normal version

This is too funny if true. This poor team is just running ragged. Cant catch a break.

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I am starting to get worried for the launch of the expansion. This season has been so riddled with problems.


was reable 4 hours after i posted but no blue posts nor other posts with problems

but the d4 discord says alot others were having the same problem

communication is all we are asking for----thanks for responding and keeping us in the dark

IT is rather strange cause yeah the post about trading is not up there anymore and then on the hotfix for yesterday 17hours ago

That was in there, did someone get the wrong memo turned trading back on and turned off bosses instead.

I really am hoping e log in and our characters are all upside down, or bosses have been replaced by a black square that says ‘insert garphic here’.

It turns out according to Blizzard’s investigation the Uber Bosses were the ones responsible for the duping and need to be punished. :hamster: :popcorn:

Well it makes sense… Uniques are well unique. There can be only one…