Touch of Death Tempers

has anyone done the math yet on which temper is more powerful: swarm chance to reinfect on hit vs. ravenous ranks? if swarms constantly burst early with insatiable aspect then, i’m assuming, they won’t really have a chance to reinfect much (and i’d think reinfecting would be better because of how much damage ToD can output), so i’m wondering if ravenous will have more value (for basically a big initial boom to try and kill monsters before they’re no longer “healthy” so you get max value out of ravenous). i don’t want kepeleke in my touch of death build, which is why i’m asking. i doubt anyone has tested it yet and has the data but figured i’d ask anyway since i can’t find info anywhere online.

using ToD with noxious resonance fyi (obviously).

does that work? we tested ToD with noxious and insatiable today. too many bugs, things didn’t behave as intended. the damage is much lower than it should be.

Does it not? Although Insatiable is a crit aspect so doesnt work for Noxious. I’ve built around Noxious and have always assumed it does and felt like it works. Plus I’m still only on a 4 paragon board setup. I was actually in the process of making a Ravenous quarterstaff to test which felt better (currently running re-infect) plus still saving the mats to craft Andy/RoSS.

Posted a Pit 70 just to test where currently at:
Noxious ToD

i haven’t done the build yet since i don’t have the gear to bring it fully online but is there a reason it wouldn’t work? what bugs are you referring to? it’s primarily a DoT build for noxious. the idea is add as much poison as possible to the monster (i know you know that), then use the swarms to proc the crits that cause noxious. the swarms bursting early would be separate crit dmg on top of the noxious explosions just for a little cherry on top. i’m not expecting noxious to boost insatiable aspect. insatiable is just there for more damage since crit dmg is so high. noxious can go over 800% with perfect crit dmg tempers so the poison explosions should be insane, in theory. what wasn’t working from what you were testing? i was hoping this would be a crazy combo.

the swarms have an infinite lifetime, not 9s. they also don’t really explode early when replaced (happens very infrequently).

in theory it’s a nice build, but severely hampered by bugs.
also not that much of a DOT build. the swarms inherit overpower for example (would be awesome damage if the replacing weren’t bugged).

that’s weird. when i go to test dummy, the swarms are expiring every 9 seconds. maybe it’s inconsistent

To me the skill seems to behave as expected.

Rod of kepeleke’s “chance for core skills to hit twice” affix behaves like “chance for swarms to reinfect on hit”, which can make it appear like the swarms last indefinitely. The swarms reinfect on hit which will spawn a new swarm which causes the old ones to expire in a continuous loop.

Touch of death (ToD) can have 3 active swarms flying around at once. Spawning a 4th swarm causes the oldest swarm to expire (dissappear). Insatiable aspect causes it to explode instead. Spawning/hatching a swarm does not mean hitting/infecting an enemy with ToD. To hatch a swarm, you need to either: 1. wait 9 seconds for a swarm to hatch naturally from an infected enemy. 2. kill the infected enemy, which forces all swarms inside to hatch. 3. infect an enemy that already has 3 infections (maximum), which forces one swarm to hatch early. 4. consume poison from an enemy with noxious resonance which forces all of the swarms inside to hatch.

In practice the above means when not using noxious that even if you hit many times with ToD, but spread the infections such that each enemy is infected less than 4 times (and don’t die), you will actually not hatch a single swarm before 9 seconds. It also means that to get the first insatiable explosion on a single target you need to hit the same enemy in total 7 times!!! (infect 3 times + force out 3 swarms + force one active swarm to expire). With noxious resonance (and 100% crit rate) you infect and also simultaneously hatch the previous infection and thus need to hit once and then 4 times to hatch 4 swarms for the first explosion. The first hit only infects even with noxious, so if you switch targets after every hit you will not hatch, you need to either hit each enemy twice or use something else to hatch the enemies you hit only once. The insatiable explosions also don’t happen where you hit but where the swarm expires.

With kepeleke I have found stinger to be surprisingly helpful with ensuring hatching and giving vulnerable since you only have good crit rate on core skills. Measured toxic skin can also give easy noxious procs if you don’t want to use stinger and have some other vulnerable source. You can also use soar crit or simply hit twice with ToD.


really? i do one ToD, a swarm spawns and never despawns. even after 10 minutes it’s still there.

and if there are multiple enemies, it looks like a nightmare since the swarms are all on different targets. so if i don’t hit a target with a swarm, my hits are basically wasted?

let me know how ravenous feels for you vs reinfect after you use it