Touch of Death build from Maxroll, having some issues and need help

I’m trying Touch of Death build from Maxroll on my spiritborn currently, I didn’t have any issues with this build in season 6 but now I am and I cannot figure out (yet) how to resolve these issues and would like some help/advice.
Also I’m on torment 4.

I have:

  • Heir of Perdition
  • Shroud of False Death
  • Ring of Starless Skies
  • Sunstained War-Crozier
  • Yen’s Blessing
  • Jacinth Shell
  • Using The Cycle witchpower
  • I am missing Harmony of Ebewaka

According to the build that I’m following (Pit Push variant) I’m currently using Ring of Starless Skies, Sunstained War-Crozier, Yen’s Blessing, Jacinth Shell and Heir of Perdition.


1: I am having major issues with Vigor (resource).
Touch of Death skill consumes 76 vigor per hit and I can cast the skill twice (sometimes thrice), then I’m standing there all my other skills on cooldown and very often without Vigor, not being able to spam my ToD. I should be able to spam this skill but somehow because I’m running dry on Vigor I can’t.
In season 6 this build was using Rod of Kepeleke (together with Ring of Midnight Sun) so I didn’t have any Vigor issues and I could spam this skill.

How do I solve this issue?
Is there a bug maybe with one of the unique’s that I’m currently using that doesn’t work properly?

2: Jacinth Shell
For the life of me I don’t know how this chestpiece works. It draines a lot of life of my character, and even when I stop with combat it keeps draining my health so I have to keep taking potions. This makes that I run dry on potions so I often find myself (nearly) out of potions everytime I go to another elite or boss. Even with The Cycle witchpower, it gives me barrier but it doesn’t last long enough to protect me.
I legit hate this chestpiece, my health ping pongs like no tomorrow and because of this I get killed very easily by fire and or posion explosions. I don’t even get to see my health go down by these effects on me because my health is already very low (ping pong).

Any advice on how to use this chestpiece properly?

I love the playstyle of this build and I would like to make it work as much as possible but aside from the above issues something else seems off, I can’t really put my finger on it.
Some bugs or something, maybe?
I have no idea.

Please help.

Are you using the Starlight aspect? You did put points in Endurance as well right?

I put 1 point in Endurance but not using Starlight aspect, that is only used in starter version of the build it looks like.

Without playing it myself, it appears as though you would want to ToD a few times, then use up your defensives (Scourge + armored hide), allow Jacinth to lower their cooldowns, rinse and repeat.

Scourge provides huge Vigor regeneration. Use gloves with lucky hit chance to restore resource. (resource temper on amulet or ring also works but rolls much lower)

It will keep draining your life until all of your skills are not on cooldown. You can just cast ToD to spend Vigor and get healed instead of using potions.

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