Tormented Lord Zir?

How difficult is this to solo? I have gotten Tormented Duriel down fairly easily; but I’ve been sidetracked with leveling other classes to 100 that I have not done anymore tormented bosses.

If you got tormented duriel down easily the rest are gonna be easy except maybe Andy

No one can answer this question with certainty because every player has different builds, different level of gear strength, skill level / experience, and etc. I’d just try it out with a friend.

If you have a very strong build, especially a build that specializes boss killing, I bet tormented zir will be a complete joke and you will delete it before it can even do any mechanics.

If your build or gear is weak, you will see some mechanics but seeing that you didn’t have much trouble with duriel, I think you will still kill it fairly easily.

Zir is the easiest for me. Duriel the hardest. Didn’t manage yet to kill Tormened Beast in the Ice, keep being sucked into the frozen wind circle around the arena and instant dying.

so…naturally you’d think beast > duriel…no? lol

Zir is pretty easy. Even with all the crazy crap going on there’s only a couple skills that actually add a stack of the debuff. Hitting you with us wings is one of the main ones and that’s easy to dodge.

I am just saying that I managed to solo kill Tormented Duriel once, the Beast not yet. I died many times during the Duriel fight. With the Beast, the Dungeon closes after 4 deaths.

Lmao good i never tried that one . Its beyond stupidity that you can have only 4 tries per 2 Stygian Stones . Plus it seems he have that ORIGINAL and NEVER USED in this game mechanic of whole screen becoming a black hole sucking you into insta death . LMAO!

So far i did solo the guy under the Tree , Zir and Duriel with 3 characters . I find Duriel the harder of those 3 but Duriel is easy or more tricky depending if you have minions for stop his debuffing “balls” with them or not , with rogue good played (Barrage , so not broken specs here) it can be even funny and challenging , dodging fast , moving around , firing him in melee , moving out for the balls , etc… it was the most close experience to a fun and satisfactory challenge for solo boss i had in this game (Barrage Rogue vs Tormented Duriel).

Zir is possibly the easiest