Tormented bosses and chances to get Ubers

Anyone knows if the probability to get Uber Uniques is the same for all Tormented Bosses? Trying to get a Shako. Already did around 10 unsuccessful runs so far but I know it is not enough. Stygian stones are hard to get and I want to make good use of the ones I have.

There was already a post on the subject but no clear answer. Some telling that Ubers could only be obtained from Duriel and Andariel but others pretending that they got them from the other Tormented Bosses.

I can do Zir without too much problem. Andariel and Varshan are also doable but more challenging. Managed Grigoire once but not sure I can do it again. I am likely to lose stones. Wasted several on the Ice Beast and Duriel without succeeding.

I got grandfather from Varshan.

Got the might chest from Zir.

I guess I will probably put my efforts on Zir.
With a little boost on my gear I might be able to take down the ones I still haven’t been able to beat.

Zir seems to be the best right now, he drops a lot more loot than the other bosses. Yesterday he dropped 4 Ubers for me in about 20 runs

It might be an unpopular take, but you could sell good ga items and use the gold to buy more stones. Also, I’ve gotten most of my ubers from Zir. Do rotations to make sure you get the most out of your stones. Most importantly, don’t give up hope

Patience I have. I will be doing only one build this season and still have time to improve my gear.
I can do Pit runs for the stones. My stock of mats is almost depleted anyway and it is better to be prepared in case a perfect 3GA drop. One never knows.

Most ubers from a boss was tormented zir.
Think I managed to get 4 or 5 ubers in less than 20 runs.

just got my shako yesterday, from Zir.
i recommend getting/making rota grp as that makes most use out of your mats.

got ubers from any Uber Boss already the zir hype is overrated at least if u need tu buy blood but its easier to form groups and he is probably the weakest of them all

10 tormented D and 10 tormented Z with no Uber drops. Took me 6 alts to get 2 Ubers. My season ends in a couple weeks because of a job opportunity for the rest of the summer so will blow out all my mats over the next 2 weekends before I hit the road. Maybe I will actually get a tyraels or Andy’s to try, but I’m not counting on it.

Did 3 Zir runs yesterday and got the Ring of Starless Skies. Playing a couple of weeks should be enough for you to get at least one additional Uber.

Don’t know about anyone else but i can honestly say that i got Tyrael’s from tormented Lord Zir. All you gotta do is look on Youtube to see they can drop. The only thing we don’t know is if they have equal drop chance.

40 -50 runs lord zir

2x shako
1x doombringer
1x tyreal might
1x starless ring