Tormented Boss Drop Rate

Some feedback for the tormented bosses: GA items and mythics feel waaaaay too rare now on any of the different tormented tiers. The tiers feel no different in drops for the most part. The higher tiers need more loot to be worth doing at this point imo.


I just did 24 duriels in T3 and I got 3 ubers… seems good to me.

i did around 60 tormented in t3-4.

0 mythical, really few FEW 1GA Ancestral uniques… this must be reviewed

I did about 90 tormented bosses in WT3 (lost count after a while) with a party of 4 this week. The ancestral quality drop rate on the non-mythic uniques was abysmal. On average we’d see 1 ancestral per 3 boss kills across all four players. At the end of it all, one player had 4 mythics. Two had 3, and one unfortunate soul reported 0 mythics.
If there’s anything I’d change its the likelihood of an ancestral to drop from tormented bosses. Maybe throw a couple of standard legendaries in the pool too as not everyone’s build uses all uniques.

Yup mythics are non existent now.

compared to the 5x drops for 3x the price the amount of items that now drop from " tormented" bosses is way too low. resulting in less GA chance and Mythic chance.

you’re pretty much forced to do multiplayer rotations now to get enough value out of your materials.

in season 5 i didnt feel the need to do rotas as a lot of items dropped.