Top Pick for Barbarians after the Patch

Hey Guys,

Started off with the DS/DD here but what build will you guys be doing after the patch and of course after playing the game for a few weeks.
Thinking of staying with DD and DS and just work it out to the strongest potential. But the flay (looks boring) but potentially alot of power.

How about you?

4.flay bleed/rupture

Just curious as to what you guys will be sticking to until S5 arrives.

I’ve played DD, Thorns, and Bash. Currently sticking with bash personally.

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Gonna mess with Andriel’s Visage with bash cleave. Since the nova is center on the monster instead of the player, I’m hoping to Steel Grasp the group for multi nova procs.

a) I played rend + rapture + gw for about 3 weeks, got it to pit 81 before it turned a bit slow.

b) Next I made a Bash barb and after one week it was clearing pit 101 qiuckly still. By that time I completed all tormented bosses and lillith and all that so I saw no point pushing that one any higher.

c) Now I am working on a Flay barb, although it seems to play a lot like my bleed barb and after playing Bash Barb it feels a little boring but it does pack a punch, but I have yet to push any pit levels, but will soon.

d) mid-season patch… hmmm it probably won’t change anything for me. I might give Tyrael another go just for fun but yeh… I feel I’m done with S4 by now. done it all, had helluva fun though :slight_smile:

My version of WW Hybrid is going to benefit greatly from this patch.

I’ve thought about it too, but there’s no real way to scale poison on Barb. Generic damage, Vulnerable, and generic multipliers. It’s possible, but you’d have to use Lunging and/or Rupture and stack Lucky Hit.

We don’t have generic DOT multipliers in glyphs, passives, aspects, uniques, or paragon. Only bleed.

I might try out a Walking Arsenal Bash build, mainly because I’m a bit of a sucker for WA. So something like
Bash (2H Mace)
Double Swing for Vuln
Charge on 2H Axe for Beserker/Mobility and possible stun.
And then shouts/Iron Skin.

Unfortunately the only viable ww build for end game requires 2+ mythic uniques. Otherwise that flay easy to assemble atm

I lucked out with a new Andy helm today. 1GA to attack speed. 12/12 later and got two masterwork boost to IAS and the last one to Life Steal. For the time being, just to got to wait for the patch to go live. 24.5% IAS and 3.4% Life Steal isn’t great, but gonna make use of it.

I think Druid has poison you can temper on gear like rogue and crit

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Actually, Whirlwind Bleed is viable and is built on a similar principle of Bash but without the need to take any IAS. With Slaking and Starless Skies combined, you are basically generating Fury. Lucky Hit replaces IAS and you will want to use a Ramas and 1H Mace. Take as much Max Fury as possible and Pressure Point provides a good secondary Vulnerability applicator with Exploit. Joritz works very well.

2 x Shouts, WoTB, Lunging Strike or Flay, Whirlwind, Rupture

Leveled my first barb this season to be WW DD. After burning through all my tormented duriels I started a 2nd barb and ran leapquake, did more tormented duriels. Third barb Bash followed by more tormented duriels. Still no melted heart or grandfather and had to craft a Tyraels. No more new chars for me after all that.

Pretty dope drop. My Rogue is built for Andy’s poison. So much more scaling than what’s possible on Barb.

There’s glyphs that double both the damage and duration, on top of all the passives with multipliers for poison, non-phys damage, and the giant caltrops multiplier.

There’s just no way to scale it to that level on Barb. Maybe when we get Weapon Throw and some new paragon boards and glyphs, they’ll add some poison for us… As of now, it can be supplental, but that’s about it.

They don’t, it’s all tied to either Poison Creeper or Rabies. Even if they did, it would be additive, and still nowhere near the scaling you can get on Rogue.

We can do additive DOT damage on our weapons and jewelery, then temper generic damage, but the fattest multipliers we can get are 30x from a maxed out Bloodrage, Unconstrained, and maybe Conceited on a 2h. Then you’d be forced to use Ironskin and/or Temerity to have a permanent barrier to get the multiplier from Conceited.

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How big of dmg number can andy nova pull?

Rough number is good enough

Lol I had 6 Uber uniques and started another whirlwind barb. At lvl 35 I was killing maiden and face tank the aoe. Never had so much fun

I’m not sure to be honest. Too many numbers stacking. It’s hard to pick out which one is from Andy. I’m gonna go with a Flay/Rupture build with Andy once the patch goes live. Interestingly, Rupture also eats up poison damage over time.

On Rogue, it can get up in the billions before the 50% increase. The change to the nova is going to help a lot too.

After looking at all the skills, it seems that Leap has the highest LH chance with 66%. That’s pretty dope. This means we can take the Thorns Rumble approach for a fat multiplier and some extra single target.

Seems to be the most effective way to scale it, as Thorns just stacks Vuln, DwB, close, strength, and generic multipliers with EQ duration.

I’ll try it after the patch. I still have a decent amount of my Thorns gear after swapping it out.

Multipliers: Unconstrained, Blood Rage, Decimator, Rumble, Vuln, Revenge, Executioner, Conceited, EQ aspect, Elements, and maybe even Ancient’s Oath and X’Fal’s. Might use Fierce Winds and Twister for an additional 13%, if we can fit it.

Stacking DoT on weapons, gloves, and rings.

Flay barb since 1 day after I made my bash-bleed barb.

Flay so much more fun than bash. Much more dynamic and hectic.