Yes Its about time I give this another go and put in some laughter into your summer.
The patch notes are FAKE but the laughs are REAL!
1] Fixed an issue where Sorcs named Barb would cause the towns people to laugh at you.
2] Fixed an issue where Rogues that hit from behind would always roll a 1 on D20 for crit damage multiplier.
3] Fixed an issue where sorcerers with no enchants dint notice.
4] Barbarian is now a prestige class. You have to sacrifice a level 100 character to make a level 1 prestige class. Sorcerer is now an Expert difficulty class. Expert difficulty classes require you to delete your forum account.
5] Tempering weights are no longer affected by character weights.
6] Fixed an issue where an angel would get his wings when a sorcerer character was deleted. (ITs a wonderful sorc life!)
7] Fixed an issue where masterworking crits had less of a chance to roll on affixes your eyes were fixated on.
8] Druids will no longer load the staches of other druids. We are talking Moustaches here!
9] Fixed an issue where pet cats would ignore you and sleep for 90% of the day.
10] Necromancers now have a timer in options. This timer will make an alarm type sound in case you fell asleep.
Hope at least one half a person laughed as the list seems decent to me.
Big props to devs for pets. I am loving the pets!
Please add your favorite made up joke patch note as well!
Also lets discuss your number 1 thing you want added in the next patch! My pick is armory.