TOP 10 Joke Patch Notes DEC 2023 😜

Thx for comedy support.

That was a good one🙂

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Common man writing this post was atleast 5x more fun then pushing aoz tiers.

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Fixed an issue with Necromancer minions:

Due to an unintended interaction, they are too viable. Golem taunts now only taunt skeleton minions, and Army of The Dead now de-summons all minions.

Additionally, in order to more closely represent the angst and depression of the class fantasy, necromancers now gain -10% movement speed in each world tier.

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I like to phrase it like a sort of joke within a joke instead so I would say Fixed an issue for minion AI that had them standing around doing nothing. They will now dance instead.

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Thank you for that reminder of how unfunny most people are.

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Thank you for the bump telling me how funny I am compared to the masses!

He’s right though. You aren’t funny at all and all of the people that thought you were funny are also not funny. If you were creative at all you wouldn’t be doing your stupid stand up act on the d4 forums.

Whoa! Harsh! Sounds like I need to work harder to win over Bob.

Stay tuned for the Jan one. You convinced me I need to practice every month to win you over.

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This is OP.

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Its so enjoyable Flagging your rubbish posts.

I enjoy it everytime you do so I can respond with more rubbish / TLDR posts and responses!

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Tough crowd I tell YA !! ( Rodney Dangerfield ) :rofl:

Fun stuff

How about

Fixed issue where uber uniques were too powerful and allowed to many build options , they will now be known as " Schlecht Uniques " !!!

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Because it is funny? Don’t you have some Whos in Whoville to steal a Christmas Tree from Mr Grinch?

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It was a good one heh! Lol :banana:

Absolute legend! Wish I thought if it.

The next S3 region event color will be yellow, for sure :slight_smile:

Good guess. My pick is dark red.

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Green , and you run around whacking Easter Bunnies!!!

They don’t even taste that good either.