To the people I hassled about upgrading their graphics card for d4, Im sorry

I am.

My rig is by no means a potatoe. 64 gigs ram, liquid cooled, 2 tera ssd, 8 tera hhd, 3060ti, amd ryzen….

And it sounds like a jet preparing for take off on the run way when I play d4. I know the game has a memory leak, a bad one, but this game should NOT heat it up like this.

So im sorry for hassling people about upgrading their pc.


I guess that is more about the gpu drivers.
I just have a gtx1080, play on 2k and got comfortable 60-80fps, without the card reacting in any way worth mentioning.

This game runs great on 980 ti potato. It’s new cards that seem to be struggling for some reason.

No issues here at all with rtx2060

cap framerate to 120 fps if you have a 120 fps monitor, otherwise cap it to 60. DONE.

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Maybe some but not all. I have a 4090 and it doesn’t even break a sweat with D4 at 4096 x 2160 ultra + DLAA. I’ve also thoroughly tested a 4070 Ti with the game, and it gives surprisingly good 4k performance for a card with only 12GB of VRAM.

Bad batches happen in every GPU generation though so it’s not surprising that some newer cards are bad or not running properly with this game.

There’s definitely something to be said about production quality these days.

The game will use what you have available to improve performance.

The best system in the world will not magically run at 30 degrees because it’s “more powerful” than the game requires. If anything it’ll be hotter because you’re processing 100 more frames a second.

Cap your frame rate, especially if you’re exceeding your refresh rate.

Welcome to the party! :partying_face:

Nine year old Haswell 4790K, Corsair AIO cooler, 1070ti, 60 hz, 1440p monitor set at next to highest settings, no problems. I install Nvidia driver only and set game to 60 FPS, no problems.