To New Players: Here's how to play Diablo 4

Wait. At least two weeks. Wait for the streamers and tryhards to grind for 200 hours in two weeks. Find out what the meta builds are (S tier). Only play them. DO NOT PLAY ANY OTHER BUILDS!

These are the only builds that can clear endgame content in any fashion that isn’t a struggle.

The end.

IB4 the one minion necro guy who got insanely perfect rolls on all gear and every rare unique shows up and goes “I clear uber Lillith as a minion necro!”.

Or just play the game without looking at streamers.


Yeah rofl… i make my own builds. Screw the meta. Have fun, play your way.

  1. Finish campaign
  2. Log off and uninstall
  3. Game is over

Youre welcome!


New players arent going to the D4 forums to see how to play. This post is just grand standing.

Or you could simply just play the game, and learn and build on your own…

While I agree with the sentiment that all of the builds that exist are extremely linear, and every build that’s even remotely playable is simply a basic full build a Blizz Dev thought up and then removed power from to inject into token legendaries…

Most of the fun, imo, in aRPGs is simply playing skills, finding out what feels good, then simply making your own build without looking at guides or streamers.

I made an ‘Infinimist’ Necro build in Season 0, before anyone had even heard or thought about it, not a single necro in the open world was playing it. I cleared NMD level 80 before Naecabon posted his lvl 100 clear, and therefor much much earlier than the massive NMD nerfs.

Point being, that it’s not even remotely hard to make or create a build… Simply because everything is so linear and straight forward… “I like this skill”—> use the 2-5 legendaries that say "this skill does ‘x’ amount more damage. If the skill doesn’t have those, it’s garbage.

Absolutely no reason for newbies to lean into streamers and guides and remove the small amount of fun that actually exists in this game.

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Yeah they are. Me and a friend of mine are both doing what OP said anyway.

6 months later…

Ah well, time to mute another thread.


These 1 post wonders (forum newbies) sure do like to bring back dead threads.

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Lol any build except full meme can clear 99% of content, if you can´t handle it, it tell us more about you than about game.

git gut.

Lot of necro-posting lately… have the three moons of Gallamead aligned again?

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Time to delete another thread

But that’s where the fun is! Every single non-meta build to me is more fun than a pure meta build.


Kid, who told you only the streamers builds are able to play any game content ?

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Real answer: Wait until about season 10 when they have fired the current staff, used all the info from their 70 dollar beta and actually make a good game. Really excited for the people that have been paying Blizzard to test their game for them since the level 25 beta.

Pffft… you forgot the most obvious tip.

If you want to do 10% more DPS, play with no pants!

:no_entry_sign: :jeans:

Less than a month ago that wouln’t have been true.

chews Hubba Bubba bubblegum

You could just play the game however you want. That’s also an option.

“wait for the tryhards to do the level up/gearing grind, then get plvl’d and carried to farm gear, and then brag on the forum how easy the game is (after most of the work was done by someone else) and how you’d like the game to be more challenging”.