Time for some help, please

Here’s the situation: I cannot seem to move past pit 100 no matter what I do.

Now for the setup details:

Republic of Gamers motherboard, I9, 128G of ram, 1080 ti card with 11G on-board. Have a hardwired 600mbit ethernet line.

I am using the following build: /d4/build-guides/quill-volley-spiritborn-guide from Maxroll. I have all the correct pieces, with all the correct affixes, tempers, and have masterworked them as best I could. There are one or two spots where I hit twice instead of three times, but I’m not doing all that again. It took me long enough to get what I have.

Now, here’s the issue…

I reach a point where the mobs start acting strange. Sometimes, they melt. Other times, they act like I’m not even hitting them. I have sat there for several minutes before, watching the timer go into the negative until either the mobs die, or I do.

Is there something about my system that just can’t handle the game at that level? Is there something I am still not understanding about the game mechanics? Or, am I just bad? Seriously. It’s okay to tell me so. I need to know so I don’t waste any more time on this game.

My peak seems to be about pit 80 using this build. Interestingly, with the now-defunct elixir bug, I was able to easily complete a pit 100. So, something is amiss. I just don’t know what. I’ve put a LOT of time into this game, but if I can’t figure this out, I may just quit. There’s no point in spinning my wheels. You know?

Think out of the box and be creative. I need some real help here.

Just try 1 of Rob’s builds and see what happens.

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Its not your system or it would affect the entire game… Not just pit 100.

The bug was prolly fixed… so your not as strong…

Not every build will hit pit 100… thats the fun in trying…

Use armory and save with diff aspects etc to see which works best…

If pit 80 was easy pit 100 will not…
Try lvl 90 and move up by 1 lvl…
If you struggle fix build around and work up… dont just jump to 100…

Creative synergies in builds os what makes the game fun…

If your stuck then keep trying…
Learn what others may use…
Find synergies…
Or play another class maybe…
Dont just quit…
Have fun