Thoughts on the direction of Diablo 4

So I have a pretty negative view on the changes in the ptr; the stat squish only works until paragon where you get so many high multiplier buffs that the numbers end up looking the same as they do on live. The item rarity was increased but we still have to search for pointless stat boosts like greater affixes and tempers in order to do late game content. Stat grind IS NOT A FUN GAME MECHANIC. I’m never excited over a drop in d4 because 98% of the time its got no useful affixes (because we still have so many stats that only affect damage so the ones that are utility often feel wasteful) or if its a unique the power rolls low.

Before I spend anymore time or money on the game I want to ask the developers a question: is the future of diablo always going to be this endless stat grind rather than a game of build diversity and fun? I played a lot of d2 in my childhood and from what I can see we have completely abandoned making anything in current diablo feel like d2. If the game direction is not going to pay homage to d2 and be a rush to max stats and damage multipliers that’s fine but I personally don’t want to play that. I have lots of feedback for class fantasies and itemization that I would like to give to improve the game but I’m not going to write it all out and think about it critically if the design philosophy is to continue the current path the game has been on since launch. Thanks for taking the time to read this!

-Long time diablo fan


They messed up the loot system from the start. It’s not hard. We get yellow items. We keep playing hoping to get rare orange items. WTF is with all the stupid affixes and needing a yellow to stick an affix on that you got from a legendary that you had to destroy? Who even came up with this dumb ****?