Thoughts on Spiritborn Totems w/ Aspects and Uniques Ideas

Of what is shown in the class reveal was very exciting and interesting and most likely will be my main come Oct release. The uniques and aspects shown were very foundation building with this new class and would likely change with some to likely make for some interesting builds for gameplay.

However lets discuss the revealing of the totems as I was a little disappointed that the creatures that were chosen were not what I hoped for when told that this was a jungle summoner class. I being a huge dinosaur fan and all things scaled hoped to see something other than snakes from Sorc in Diablo 4. I hugely loved the Witch Doctor due to one power from the DLC of D3 being the pirahnas and the coolest looking aspect: the Bogadile. You can imagine my disappointment when seeing no scaleys but the centipede was very interesting reminding me of South Korean webcomics with monster designs similar especially like the ones from “Solo Leveling.”

When seeing the entirety of the reveal I definitely had thoughts of WoW Mists of Pandaria and seeing a redesign of pandarian monk with a twist.
I saw a monk with four animal totems just like the pandarians in lore. The bird and cat totems had a switch of colors with bird red to blue, and the cat white to red. The black and white bull being a symbol of strength was turn to a gorilla. The centipede was new but it isnt hard to twist from the designs of dragons especially in Chinese myth that centipede are related to dragons. So all in all a jungle monk with a twist.

However this is not the end for my hopes to see some dinos or other scaleys in Spiritborn. My hopes that the Devs will look and possible put something shoehorn in the future but I have two ideas for suggestion especially since Devs do like to put easter eggs in content.

My ideas to incorporate my fandom of dinosaurs is to utilize King Rezan and/or Xibala from WoW. After all it isn’t the first time that something from their other titles to enhance the flavor of content is put in the game. Also it is said during the talk of lore of the totems is that the image of the creatures is possible mutable on the ideas of the people and there are more than just the four.

My aspect idea (as aspect add effects to skills improving them) is to take a devilsaur-like (something like Rezan) spirit totem and make it effect the ultimate: The Protector. Not only does Wumba is summon but Rezan is too. Near Wumba’s domain of protection and area of effect does Rezan patrols within and assists attacking outside the area of effect with sweep effects at least three times similar to the amount of attacks that Wumba does during his 6 second duration. These sweep effects are either tail sweeps, jaw snaps, and/or feet stamps. This aspect increases the area of effect damage and adding an addition attacker. This is also a point to nod to dino/gorilla relations especially with media such as Peter Jackson’s King Kong and Godzilla vs Kong.

My unique idea as uniques items are known to change known skill effects into something similar but with a twist or change dynamics of class system into having an addenum; mine is to have a polearm or glaive (but label it and make it look like a spear) and its effect will have on the basic skills. When equipped it would summon one creature depending on basic skill that is utilized on toolbar with having all basic skills would summon all available summons. These summons would be that of a raptor, dilo, pterosaur, or small devilsaur that attacks as well but with different basic skill that is clockwise from the totem chart shown in the reveal on totem effects and relations. It is something similar to the unique Staff of the Crone but with a zoo effect. In essence if one is equipped with said spear and toolbar the basic skill Thrash being a Jaguar skill the summon creature would come from the Gorilla Basic Skill likely a small devilsaur and would utilize the Basic Skill Rock Splitter effects however something to point out is that the unique doesn’t cause the third hit effects of Basic Skills with the summon but does effect vigor generation. This was inspired to make an easter egg for Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal of Spear and Fang with zoo effect from the D3 demon hunter armor set.