Thoughts on potential changes after the ptr

Note: i am not used to forums and was unsure of how to get this to the right place.

Ptr feedback (WARNING: Its a long read with ideas for new things included. My thought process is rather chaotic)

Yellow ancestral items should still drop with 3 affixes but, can not roll greater affixes. This makes them still relevant up to a point, but late game can be disregarded because greater affixes will be the chase. This will make yellows more relevant, yet relieve the burden of sifting through pieces of equipment for upgrades depending on what point in the game you are in.

There should be manuals that are rarer, perhaps unique manuals, that group potential tempered affixes in a much more specified way. For example, a bone spirit unique manual that has affixes that only affect bone spirit in cool ways with an affix that is tempered on regardless of roll. Perhaps in the weapon slot.Example below:

Grimoire of Calcified Unrest (Unique Necromancer Weapon Manual)

  • +3 ranks of bone spirit (unique mod that is always tempered on with one of the following at random)
    • Bone spirit gains Shadow tag, triggers Blight leaving blight pools
    • Chance to fire a second copy of Bone Spirit, explosion fires bone splinters
    • Bone Spirit gains Blood tag, chance to create blood orbs on kill

Outside of unique manuals, legendary ones that have better groupings of temper affixes allow for better focused crafting with higher consistency when going for specific things.

-White and blue ancestrals should auto salvage
-Obels should also be able to yield greater affix gear at a low rate. Gives more value to obels and creates another dopamine source other than drops. Remove sacreds and normal gear from gambling pool in WT4.

  • The Pit should drop materials that yellow gear would be salavaged for instead of needing to pick up the gear to salvage. Its an endgame activity and yellows have long been crept out at this point.
  • Greater affix gear need to be more obvious on the ground and perhaps have a star in the corner while in your inventory to be easily located
  • Codex of power can be used to “filter loot”. Instead of a loot filter however, it can penned as an item identifier. You list all gear slots, with all item bases with each rarity (normal sacred ancestral, white blue yellow legendary). Players can favorite affixes, item bases etc which will in change the text of the dropped item purple for example. If i have 5 drops on the ground after a boss, and 2 are purple text yellows, those two are item bases with specific affixes im looking for ill pick those up, they will be autofavorited in my inventory and i can choose to ignore the others. Perhaps auto salvage settings can be added as well.
  • Gems are definitly better but are extremely basic, kind of boring. Diamonds buff ultimate skills but there isnt much support for ultimate skills so they dont really have a use imo outside of all res
  • Minion AI can be improved upon. They still sort of stand idle. Maybe they can prioritize cursed enemies and targets the golems hit. An aspect that allows for a second golem, turning their slam into a skill with two usage charges sharing a cd.
  • All flowers on the map should just be changed to Herbs for clarity, with fiend roses becoming angelbreath instead.
  • Too much red in the helltides, everything is red. I love the sheer density but i cant see anything in the sea of red sometimes. Red enemies, red lightning, red fire, red corpses all over the place, red death explosions.
  • NMD risk being completely irrelevent outside of glyph exp which will feel like a boring chore. No one likes doing the tasks. They just want to blast through them. Maybe 1st tier 100 dungeon completed awards the person who used the sigil with a resplendant spark. (Account bound, once per season). One additional solution that will also keep diablo 4’s vision is give people options. When i activate a sigil and teleport to the dungeon, what if 2-3 shrines await me, each with a different objective, condition and reward. One has no tasks to completely, simply kill the final boss. Quicker, easier to blast through. Another shrine says, save the prisoners with bonus glyph exp/gold. If a 3rd appears, it could tie into a seasonal mechanic or be a harder run. 2 revives, additional problem to face (drifting shade, volcanic bursts, hell portals, etc), more elites and the end has really good loot (random boss material, higher glyph exp modifier). On top of this, random encounters (like the butcher, vampiric seekers) can randomly appear across any Nightmare dungeon path taken which grant rewards that other activities usually drop.
  • People want to farm for items, not mats. Boss mat drops are really cool, but i think some uniques and manuals should be tied to activities and not always an uber boss. Helltides can have a loot pool, Nightmare dungeons and Legion Events as well. Perhaps affixes that normally do not drop on certain pieces, can appear in rare instances on gear dropped doing certain activities. These affixes that are “out of place” can be labled as chaos affixes (gear pieces with chaos affixes thus labled chaos gear in this instance). Chaos weapons can drop from NMD’s, Chaos Chest pieces from Legion Events, etc. Unique Manuals coming from event/activity loot pools would be massive.
  • World boss needs to be juiced, better rewards. Perhaps higher rate of greater affixes to drop on gear. The cache it drops offering a special mat that once a certain amount are collected, a portal can be opened that leads people directly to its lair to fight an “uber” world boss. 1st time killing it awards all players with the proper level for the encounter a replendant spark. Weekly cache could garentee a random unique. “Uber” world boss’ weekly cache would have a random unique with at least 1 greater affix and each different uber world boss could have its own loot pool of things they drop when killed, while regular varients share a loot pool with potentially minor differences.
  • uber version of the season 3 boss is cool and should be part of the boss ladder. Summoning him could be farmed from the pit/elite drops/nmd random event drops.
  • Uber lilith should be its own experience and have its own loot table. Defeating the level 200 versions of uber bosses should be a seasonal once per uber boss resplendant spark reward.
  • pvp is something no other arpg has implemented and gives diablo a serious edge over the competition. Should be looked at in the future.
  • matchmaking/group finder
  • single player farming of uber duriel/andariel needs to be looked at. Perhaps doing it solo refunds half the mats? Also uber bosses could be harder.
  • i wasnt sure if masterworking would eventually have a chance to fail the higher you go and if so, i think this is great. Having risk involved with high end crafting is exciting.
  • Manual crafting would be amazing. Crafting a manual from “pages” to make books that garentee affixes desired, maybe even add greater versions of tempered affixes .
  • Absolute chase drops outside of uber uniques (runeword equivalents in terms of chase) would be amazing. An uber page that perhaps lets you attach any tempered affix of your choice but in a greater affix form, an archdemon’s heart that sets every affix/aspect on a piece of gear to its highest potential roll, a seraphim tear that can add another aspect from the codex to a piece of gear and changes the color of the gear to make it feel awesome.
  • Cosmetics as chases. Special transmogs that can only be picked up from high end nmd looted gear, uber bosses etc. Same with portal effects, tombstones, horses.
  • Bolder, less boring uniques. Rogues still have the lamest uniques. A dagger that gives attack speed on hit? Definitely a good spot so far but definitely need more fun. That same dagger can make basic attacks carry imbuements and buff their potency. The death trap pants can make death trap spawn as a minefield of them instead that can be tossed out. On the topic, ultimates really need love. How fun would it be if shadow clone instead mimiced every move you did with shadow imbuement gained grenade tag, exploding and releasing grenades on expiration. to pair with this, a tempered affix for shadow clone spawned a second one while a second tempered affix added the other two imbuements to attacks?
  • enchanting should give players 2 options: increase the affix a random amount to gradually get the single affix to its highest spot, or be changed to one of two DIFFERENT affixes from the one potentially being enchanted away. A very rare crafting material can be added to the game that gives players two decisions: makes the affix being enchanted become its greatest value, or swap to one of two DIFFERENT max value affixes.
  • Risk and reward in crafting. I touched upon this a bit in the earlier paragraphs but id like to see an item that completely randomizes the base affixes on a gear but one of the new affixes is a greater affix. If the piece already had greater affixes, it either keeps those greater affixes and rolls new ones with one or more being garenteed greater, or the piece loses all of its greater affixes. This item can be a rare drop from late game NMD dungeons rewards and adds a layer of fun, high risk high reward crafting. This material can be traded as a high value currency or be worth a lot of gold and pieces that rolled greater affixes due to the item can have a fancy border with cool looking text. Idk something awesome.
  • mobs drop tons of gem crafting material while rock spawns dropping like 2-5.
  • some builds definitely need tuning. Fun is great but barbs cant be the most op 3 seasons in a row common guys pls… half jokes. Fun is fun. As long as every class has really strong, fun builds and can clear content. Struggling while one class very easily trivializes content is not fun. Dust devils definitely look nuts. Barbs having access to so many pieces of gear definitely gives them an edge. Some new gear slots for other classes such as talismans, satchels, etc can help bring that power gap closer.

All in All, i do love the changes, and this ptr gave me hope. Really looking forward to future content.


  • parts of the map colored red but not the helltide areas at that time
  • masterworking an item showing up as a blue item power 1 upon mouse hovering over
  • ceiling obsuring view completely when going to the “second floor” in a pit level
  • blue and white gear in wt4 (unsure if a bug)
    -alters of lilith still being able to be grabbed
    -druid companions