Thoughts on Abattoir of Zir

As far as we know, this is not supposed to be permanent, so…

TBA, otherwise, I wouldn’t redesign the whole game around AOZ.

is AOZ only for broken class like hota barb?? What;s the point of creating fire, ice sorc or bow rogue??? can you guys beat boss in AOZ as range build?? Getting boring always seeing ppl using the same build ZZZZZZzzzzzzz

Got to tier 10 only had 21,000ish powder but its ok used the glyph for awhile then switched my build back, the fun didnt even last as long as running dozens of helltides opening 100’s of steel chests then running tunnels for Duriel kits which lasted a couple of weeks, NMD fun ran out of being fun once I got the 90 season achievement and leveled 14 glyphs to 21 then what fun that did last longest was finally clearing all content challenges in the game from 22,000 seeds to all zone side quests and I didnt start the season till Oct 31st.

AoZ in its current form wont last the test of time . The requirements are to high for it. If they want to keep there casual playerbase they need to find a way to bring the content to the casual player but have the ability to go from NMD100 to 150 for example just because you want to . IE Bragging rights.
Atm AoZ is nothing but brag but the casual cant even enter.
I mean D3 GRs work you have GR1 to 100 for casuals as an example and higher then that was for the person who wants to push for nothing more then Brag.
Atm AoZ is 100% brag only offering not even worthwhile gear. With some form of middle groud like people could probably get to 10 ok but 25 you neeed Big D Energy type play and grind to there , thats ok . at least everyone experiences the content . Its just pppl drop off when its gets to difficult and the HC keep going

there are nmd t1-100 for casuals. aoz is for the non-casuals. basically exactly how you explained.

It’s also this season specific at this point.

With no plans to adopt for next season or into eternal.

Content shouldnt be non casual specific . Everyone should be ok to do at least the first level and experience it.

no that is not needed. it is perfectly acceptable to have content for only the hardcore and top tier players.

I disagree , People dont pay $80 for a game to be excluded from content. Make lvl 10 up for the Hardcore.

sure they do. you think casuals were experiencing black temple during burning crusade? no. casuals dont have to experience the whole game. that mentality is idiotic

That was a different ERA of game . Now they have LFR for the exact reason of you can see the content. AoZ should be no different . Most can get to Tier 5 maybe 10 but only the HC are only ever going to being able to go beyond. Theres nothing wrong with that

exactly so its fine as is. keep trying to get to that t5

Go farm you a Ahavarion Spear of the Lycander get as much + to shrine time affixes, on a druid repeatedly cast ravens… I might get banned if a say anymore.

i made it to 8 and got bored as there is no reason to do it other then brag but that doesnt mean everyone shouldnt be able to get early stuff

Key i just see this as an extension of nms.

I dont see it as novel content per se.

With or without it, it doesnt impact “casuals” as do many other parts of the game.

Offering T10-T15 AoZ Carries, 200m each pst :wink:

i dnt mind hard content, but i do care for good rewards. AoZ offers none.

There’s now an exploit where you can reach any tier end boss within a minute without killing any mobs, then have a HOTA oneshot the bosses.

Event and titles officially trivialized :\

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At least some good news.

absolute sh**e!

One shots from random stuff and tier one is extremely tough for non meta builds… fishing for pylons to deal with the seekers at the end is bad game design.

My pure summoner was more or less ok clearing, but last bosses were almost always a 1 shot on me or killed all my minions. only killed them legit 2 times, rest was with pylons.

The glyph is absolute crap for non meta builds like pure minions, as your minions only receive 30% of its power. So not only are you the weakest build in the game, you now effectively take a 70% nerf to the most powerful glyph in the game, rendering it useless until its over level 50.

instantly quit once I found out tears of blood was lowering my damage over control glyph + spending my remaining paragon points on additive minion damage nodes.