Thoughtful quick simple game ideas

Take your existing D4 ‘things’ like Sigils. Make them upgradable. Enhance player gameplay or make the game harder or more survivable etc etc as the player wants. For example:
The powder of ten sigils adds a new boon and bane to a Sigil. Make the boon a choice of xp or extra gold or speed or ten whatevers to choose from and then the bane is random. Monsters do extra dam or respawn one time.
But allow for up to ten upgrades. So they can turn Nightmare Dungeons into a Hellraiser Dungeon at the pace of the player. And make each level 1.2x harder than the previous level.

Elixirs and incense now craftable. Combine two elements of whatever. (Like TES Morrowind enchant system). Speed and Fire Res. Or Armour and crit.
More and more variety of incense and elixirs. Make the list of options huge.
Allow for two or three tiers of stackable elixirs like incense and all craftable too.

Make the rune chance to upgrade be 100% and just drop 80% less of them. Instead of tons of useless unused runes. “85% chance to be stupid, 15% chance to maybe be better” is infuriating design.
And make more. Like 50 more. That are wild and creative.
Or give runes a better second functionality.

RNG shouldn’t be in e v e r y t h i n g. Give the player 25% control back. Little character enhancements or tweaking difficulty on dungeons or hordes or Kurast or new S7 systems.

Give me my construct back. WHY would you take that away. Utter madness. That was a lot of fun. And could easily be a permanent thing. Easily.
Heck let us discover manuals that allow for redesign/reskinning the thing. Add new powers on the DL so people get an ‘omfg’ moment. You know. FUN.

Make uniques do stuff like the skill tweaks in D3. Meteor is now poison. Or Frenzy now counts as Double Swing. Go nuts dev team. Add 4 new uniques per class every season. And let them all be accessible in perpetuity.

Stop being so scared to get crazy. This game has been on the cusp of brilliance for soooo long. Just dive in ftlog.

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Good luck with your ideas.

Thank you, im glad im not the only one around here with some good ideas. Haha

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I have new system suggestion
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But i love the Morrowind wnchantment system… yes potions woul be better to do this way for sure… would streamline clutter and no sifting through 100 unecessary potions…
. less code too with just 1 potion that you make whatever you want.

I like the poison meteor… (wormwood)…
I have a a few skill system posts that implement a similar feature but on a mass scale rather than 1 unique…
Uniques are cool but the major problem with them… Very limited space to choose creative builds…

We need a much larger skill craft \merge system…

I do love the go wild n creative n have FUN philosophy ;D