This World Boss is overtuned! [with Video proof]

Ever since Season 4, there is a bug that causes some world bosses to spawn with 100x normal hp and its attacks actually hurts!

This at least happens on eternal, not sure about season. I’ve fought it 3 times on eternal now, with one time only me, and I cannot kill it in 15minutes despite my Rapid Shot doing 700k~1mil damage EACH ARROW!!

Here is usually how I chance upon this special version of WB:
Step1. Wait with other Lv100s for the World Boss, and kill it in 2 seconds.
Step2. Stay in WB arena, “Leave game”, switch to World Tier 3 and start game.
Step3. A fresh WB spawns if not too late (within 1 minute or so), I can kill the WT3 World Boss in about 2 minutes. But sometimes it’s already dead.
Step4. Stay in WB arena, “Leave game”, switch to World Tier 4 and start game.
Step5. SOMETIMES will find someone else fighting this UBER World boss!! Or if the WT3 trip didn’t take too long, a new instance of WB may spawn for you and may end up being this UBER World Boss!

Anyone else fought it?

[Edit: Here’s the video link, first 3 minutes is normal World Bosses, the UBER world boss starts @03:22]

only thing i could imagine why youd think the worldbosses are stronger is because there are too many people there playing with legacy gear.

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Where can I find one of these magical world bosses that live longer than 3 seconds.


Updated with video link.


Must be 20 characters.

Oh no you had to actually try to kill an enemy in D4! The Horror!

Seriously though they should make this a feature sounds like a good time.

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lol i for sure wouldnt mind that. Worldbosses having a chance to spawn as an uber variant, cleaning the floor with the players bodies. Rewards could be similar to tormented bosses. something like a 20% chance for a WB to become an uber version. Indicator could be that the map turns red or stuff.

So I watched this video. Some “strikes” that the OP is doing against the WB are less than 10,000 per hit… in WT4, even on the so-called easy clears. Sure, there’s some 500k crits too, but it seems extremely low overall.

At the 3:22 mark, when the OP says the boss “has tons of life”, there’s only two people present. The OP and another player.

I think the issue here is the OP and the OP is just being carried by others.


Sure, not the most powerful build: life of a Rogue - particularly one who don’t follow guides and prefer to figure out the game by oneself.

The sub-10k hits are puncture, which is a 3-projectile basic attack that divides your normal basic skill damage by 3, so you’ve obviously never played rogue.

But look at the 0:06~0:07 period, or the 2:18 ~ 2:20 time marks, that’s me taking a good 5% of total health bar with a properly placed “3-combo points + Caltrops + Dash + Smoke grenade + evade + Rapid fire”…