This was never like Diablo 2, Rod

Right. So it’s even WORSE.

Honestly, i’ve said this from the very beginning testing.

There is a HEINOUSLY negligent amount of uniques in this game. Build defining ones.


Somehow they got the idea that Zod Rune drop rate (which sold for 1k on ebay) somehow equates to Uber Unique items. Not sure how they came to that conclusion. Google Translate with multiple languages filtered through maybe?

Most items in Diablo 2 were not hard to get. Yes, even the beater items. It was just spamming bosses which was awful and for some reason something they kept.


Yeah I agree, some of the droprates needed to be adjusted to be honest.

If they at least turned a personal loot feature on when creating games that would have helped greatly. The problem is that when you join pub games for boss killing the loot is gone before you can even see it, mostly because someones running pickit or a macro.

I’m still waiting for them to add a personal loot option in D2R, no idea why they haven’t done it. One day, one day…

It was about getting in a group of 8 people and doing things together. Many tried to do it solo which wasn’t the way. The need for high gear in a group was irrelevant, just the right specs. You didn’t have to spam bosses either. You could run keys, craft. Right now, it is more efficient to run nightmare games for charms that trade to high runes. There were so many things to do in D2 it was hard to ever get bored.


Zod rune was x1000 times or even more common than any uber unique in D4.


I guarantee by the time you hit 99, you would have seen them all in a small group.

If they added a mob like Pindleskin to every cellar in the world, and gave it the capacity to drop anything in the game, with a drop rate similar to Pindleskin, then they might have an argument.

But if they actually did that, that’s what most players would end up doing for a lot of their play time. Because it’s fun. Diablo was about pulling the slot machine lever.

But stuff like that is not in the game.



Same and it made him look like a clown.
Saying “we advertised it as a return to roots of Diablo 2, but now forget everyone who we lied to”.

I did not mind that it was not like D2 at launch. That it was its own thing, but I did not want it to be like D3.


438h world record holy grail in D2.

What can we talk about at all?

For those who don’t know holy grail means obtaining every item in the game.


Even if they DID add the tormented-boss equivalent of drops to enemies in every dungeon it wouldn’t matter because the loot completely sucks. 95% uniques garbage and too common, designed for failure before it began.


Back to the subject here, yes, D4 went out of its way to not be like diablo 2. It took everything that was bad from d2 and d3 and then they doubled it. Rod makes Jay Wilson look like a master game developer.


Well I feel better hearing that from you. I respect your point of view and you always seem very fair in your analysis. So I’m glad we’re on the same page with this.

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I just remember seeing the auction and seeing it sold.

I never cared about Ubers when they announced them and personally find build defining unique items to be stupid design. Unique items simply need to be unique. If they fit well then cool. This is why Diablo 1 still had the best.

Most you’d use for a period of time then swap them out. They didn’t need to be end-game items though now they do since leveling takes a day.

I still didn’t find my Windforce in D2, just passing by. I love D2 still.


My first one came from Pindleskin. I never got one when it was at its greatest OPness. But I still have that thing in my inventory. Never letting it go.

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They actually rebooted d2 to get everyone in the mood for d4.

Then, the first quest in d4 had the WoW ! and ? over the npcs heads and did a cliche cult poisoned me trick. I was about to throw up from cringe. Then, I saw I was gaining faction? I don’t even have an origin story, why do I care what they think of me?

Then, I started to get loot. I found probably a weapon for my druid. Then the same weapon of the same name dropped that was better for me, because my level was higher so these weapons in the world magically get higher as you progress. There was nothing wrong with the item system in d2… GAH…

And my druid was fat… and his hurricane stank compared to the endeless original. The graphics were fine, but were is my permanent aura… ^&T(&^#R#

Yes, this game is nothing like d2.


As far as i remember folks here counted that you need at least 48k hours to obtain one uber unique at the game release? And he called it D2-grind? :smiley: It mostly looks like incompetent devs-like grind


I also never found a windforce, i feel that pain. Rarest thing I ever found was a close to perfect eschutas temper I think. best slot for light sorc tho back then.


The only things I can think of D2-like in D4 is targeted boss runs/drops, and less restricted trade. Both of them were done half baked.


Ah, I’m jelous :confused: One of my friends found it though, I didn’t believe him. Thought that he’s lying and stuff, so he said to come over and so I did and was surprised that he did actually get it :smiley: Couldn’t stop looking at it, like it was some 500 year old antique.

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