This was never like Diablo 2, Rod

I never understand posts like these, I love Diablo 2 with that game I fell in love with the franchise more than 20 years ago but it is a game that by the standards of a current ARPG has poor and very limited content, I am objective Diablo 2 has a very limited endgame, there is not much variety in builds, and we all use the same items like copy paste between the classes, like enigma, spirit, arachnid, etc etc, there was no variety to equip yourself, you put the same on a necro as a sorceress or an elemental druid, etc., with a very low amount of skills that are useful.

So I still donā€™t understand what they mean by saying that it looks like Diablo 2, a game similar to Diablo 2 today would not be successful, we live on nostalgia and we believe that what we love is perfect, but even I who love Diablo 2 know that It has many errors and bad things too, but the difference is that I am not a fan boy and I am objective in my analysis.


Honestly yes. I played my fair share of D2 back in the day, PoE, and D2R. Now D4 came out claiming to pay homage to the greats. I was looking for a new ā€œD2 likeā€ ARPG because in PoE you always get to the stage of one shots killing you out of the blue.

I thought D4 was going to be different.

Now here we are one shots galore without any of the base charm.

Meph runs light.

Itā€™d be just like it is now, just faster, same duplicate drops over and over. No runes, no sets, no socket gear, nothing to pass on to alts to make the leveling process more fun. The item hunt just lacks a certain depth.


If this game was like D2 it wouldā€™ve been more popular and at least one of my friends would be playing it, lol.

D3.5 Bad


you are talking about a guy that thought uber uniques and Uniqueā€™s drop from hell tide chest in season 2 and had to be corrected!!! the guy that runs the show didnā€™t even know how the game works the game director come on!

and donā€™t worry about a 1hour after the patch went live they silent nerf the uber drops from helltide!

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The main thing that we should think about is not whether d2 is good or bad for today standarts, but how incompetent the developers are, if such things are stated. Because for an ordinary player it is excusable, but for a developer it is absolutely not.

There is absolutly no chance that Chris Wilson will stated smthing like that, cuz he know his game and heā€™s literally playing it. But it looks like Rod have no clue at all about things that heā€™s talking. Either itā€™s pure incompetence or straight up prepared blatant lies.


I dont see anything in POE2 that screams casual. All gameplay demos I have seen still show same complex and deep systems but with better graphics and gameplay


They tried to do d4 in d2 but they failed a lot. The itemization was terrible. You only have a bow and crossbows. And no single crossbow. D2 I got fire damage on the first longbow I found and I could put a poison jewel with 10 min of game play.

The problem with d4 is that the game didnā€™t have wealth from 30 to 100. And you reached 100 with the idea that it would be different but it wasnā€™t. There are no changes in the game play and the hope was the ubers, which also have no major changes in game play in addition to power. Now we run to 100 just to be able to do all the game content. Mainly the pit. If the pit were from level 30ā€¦ we would be at the same level as before, but it is for the end game .The feeling of d3 soon passes.


Was there any item power in D2?
Was there any scaling in D2?
Was there any cooldowns in D2?
Was there any borrowed powers in D2?
Was there any mandatory level in D2 with literally pointless leveling while you get to it?
Was there any gen /spend mechanic in D2?
Was there any unobtainable items in D2 where 1st of them appearing week2 of the ladder start with x100 more online?

Well i think there was not. But i literally knew one game, where it all exists(except uber items). And this game have a same name but different number. Guess what number?


According to the forums? Youā€™re wrong, and bad, and your feet look funny.

Seriously, people forget that things change, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, some opinions are genuinely bad, facts are facts, and ā€œfunā€ is objective.

My metric is to look at the player count for games. On Steam, Counter Strike 2 looks SO boring to me, just a total nothing burger of a game, but itā€™s currently got almost 1 milion people playing it as I type this. Thatā€™s nearly DOUBLE the 2nd place title of DOTA 2, which still isnā€™t my kind of game, but looks far more ā€œfunā€ to me than CS2 does. Diablo 4 currently has 16,417 people playing, but is infinitely more fun to me than either of those games.

My opinion is that CS2 isnā€™t fun, that DOTA2 looks better, and that D4 is overall better. The fact is that CS2 must be a lot of fun for a ton of people, that DOTA2 is more popular than Diablo 4, and that Diablo 4 is currently #77 out of the top 100 games being played right nowā€¦

My opinion doesnā€™t change facts, or otherā€™s opinions. Facts do not change my objective opinion of what fun is. This is a distinction that many on these forums seem entirely unable to grasp even the faintest concept of.


Are you talking about the kid in the front?

This is exactly it. Iā€™m not going to come on here and complain about how this game isnā€™t like Diablo 2. Iā€™ve pretty much come to terms with that a long time ago. I even promoted the idea that they need to keep it more like Diablo 3 instead of trying to borrow from games like Lost Ark or attempt to fit Diablo 2 into this skeleton.

What really bothers me here is that Rod is going on record in front of people who have no idea about Diablo, the entire gaming world, and saying that Diablo 2 is the problem, not their inability to understand what makes Diablo 2 tick and impart that into a new game.

The disingenuousness and inability to self-reflect. Blaming anything other than yourself. The level of ego that takes. That stuff really bothers me.


I couldnā€™t have said it better myself.


Diablo 2 has 386 Unique items.

Diablo 4 has 96.


I read this article earlier too and it just further reinforced how out of touch he is with what d2 was all about.


yeah and the most fun fact about it that you literally can divide 96 by the number of classes cuz D4 have a smart loot. So itā€™s around 15 for any player w/o alts LOL


One of the beautiful things about Diablo 2 is that youā€™re always making progress, and usually hit it big once a day. I can farm Trav, meph, chaos sanctuary or a ton of other places that I feel like. And a few hours later, I have at least a few things I can use. Either for alt character builds that can specialize in one part of the game better than my current character, or to trade to gear my current character. Iā€™m constantly in the process of building something that has a purpose to farm even more efficiently.

This is very fundamental dynamic has never been a thing here. When I think of Diablo 4 I just think of myself running to find blocks in a dungeon thatā€™s way too time-consuming for its mediocre pay off. And then checking off boxes that I need to have in order to form a baseline of power through maxed out glyphs, etc. prerequisite grinds. Iā€™m going back to town and monotonously scanning through all of my rares to look at awful affixes that are simply fluff in order to make the useful affixes feel better. Which never worked.

This game has never had anything to do with Diablo 2. The fact they think it did explains a lot.


omfg preach brother PREACH!!!

They got the entire system wrong. This game is literally a copy/paste of diablo 3 which did it WRONG.

You canā€™t have a grind if youā€™re grinding for literally nothing. Thereā€™s no shako trading, no vamp gaze, no soj trading nothing. Itā€™s all based on aspects, once you get them you donā€™t need them again, its literally diablo 3 and its why D3 sucked. Look what they did to freaking windforce its not even an UBER!!! Thing was worth freaking 40 SOJ back in the day!! All of the unique items in this game are bad. There isnā€™t even set items that you can mix and match like in D2, where sigā€™s gloves/boots was still a great combo on amazon for example even at endgame and it was a freakin level 10 set item.

I donā€™t think these guys ever truly played D2.

Tower rune farm, blacksmith rune character rushing, the ACTUAL pit mfing in act 1, mephy runs, diablo runs, baal runs, baal walks, pindle farm, and the leveling took time, it wasnā€™t easy, and if you died you lost progression.

These guys have the same damn uniqueā€™s dropping almost every boss kill on low-tier boss runs which require mats to even do them, the hell??? that isnā€™t progression ROD its 40 steps backwards.

The only reason I donā€™t play it is because I prefer instanced-loot as I like playing with other people but Iā€™m greedy lol. Pickit botting kind of a problem. If they just updated D2R with a personal loot option it would be instantly Goatā€™d in my book, donā€™t think Iā€™d be playing anything else.


They milked the good Diablo games(D1,D2) dry during D4ā€™s marketing campaign and when they realised they completely failed to make anything other than a mindless cookie clicker in a Diablo skin, their true colours finally came out.

On the plus side, they have nothing of value to promote now. Their expansions are unmarketable.


Signed. Rod is out of touch. Diablo 2 is still the king and always will be. All they had to do was update a few of the systems in place, use some innovation that newer computers allow and make a bit more story while retaining most of the lore. I cannot fathom how they got to the mess that is Diablo IV. Incompetence.

Diablo II dynamics work and are proven to work. It is hard to program and Blizzard did not want to put any effort in D4. The level scaling, lazy. The lack of resistances on monsters, lazy. The overworld with loose story, lazy. The ? and ! quests, lazy. The fact items donā€™t cross class, lazy. 4 player, incompetent. Group dynamics, lazy. We could go on forever.


Yes, 5 million people bought d2r. Of the 100 million players they boast about for the anniversary, most have played d2 or have it in the battle chests.

It makes sense to protect the IP and make Diablo IV awe inspiring, not a step backward.