This is the END!

How does it feel when you have a bunch of COD developers make your game and none of them play it? Makes me feel like I want a refund now cause I never knew that an Action style RPG game was considered a first person shooter!!! Welp you just lost a big portion of your player base to boulder gate 3 which strikes they now how to make a game and give the players what they want to see!!!


You got a source for that, chief?

To me it does not matter what the programmer or artists works on. CoD is not a small game, and you you are in developing games you should be able to make many types of projects, otherwise you will find very little job offers. So that is a bit irrelevant point to me.

How come When the Music’s Over (great song) and not The End?

The End would be so obvious, lol :smile:


Nothing about baldur’s gate is “what i want”

It looks very slow paced and tedious.

Not to mention the UI looks like button bloat to the max


I’m a Van Halen guy myself


boulder gate? didnt know about that game yet. is it good?

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Yes! BOULDER GATE!!! /20

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What the hell are you talking about? Lol

can you recommend boulder gate :O?

bald-er’s gayy, is the proper spelling, sir.

I would love to play me some boulder gate…

Okay have fun in BG3. Can i have your gold before you leave? :smiley:

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I’m gonna say it will probably be very good Baldur’s Gate 3, but seeing as how I picked up Remnant 2 along with Armored Core 6, it will be a sale purchase later down the line.

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