THIS is NOT ALT Friendly At ALL!

Who, at the D4 Dev Studio, thought that making items level requirement equal the level you were when you got the item was anywhere near a good idea??? Who was the buffoon who though making ASPECTS item level be the level of the item when it was extracted??? SERIOUSLY? Was you guys (D4 Dev Team) even thinking at all there??? Were you guys high on something???

THIS needs to be removed/fixed FAST!!! Set a MINIMUM character level requirement for aspects that have been extracted!!! Set MINIMUM Levels required for Items and COMPLETLY REMOVE ANY level requirement based on what level you are when the item was found!!!

There is ZERO reason and ZERO explanation that justifies this. The EXACT same item, dropped when your level 60 and then dropped when your level 100, can have the EXACT same item level, power, stats, EVERYTHING but the one dropped at level 100 will require level 100??? That is the most brain dead thing i have even heard or seen!!!

You can BRICK an item using an aspect that requires a HIGH level, but is the EXACT same aspect with the EXACT same bonuses as any other!!!

This ENTIRE SYSTEM here is the most ANTI-ALT friendly system i have ever seen! It’s beyond anti-alt… Then, to top it off, you guys gave us FOUR TABS! That’s all!


There is alot of things that dont make sense in this game utility wise. This is just another example, its astounding how amateurish and incomplete alot of the concepts and features are. Blizzard’s overall philosophy on how this game should be and how to maintain it seems to be to make it as tedious and infuriating as possible. Which is sad because the superficialities of this game is actually great, but the core of it is lacking.


Thats just a small aspect of what makes this game not “Alt” friendly.

As it stands the biggest turn off for me leveling an alt is the leveling itself. The grind takes far to long. Not to mention the “Best” way to attack that grind is to spam a single dungeon over and over because the other options in the game offer little to no value for time invested. Nightmare Dungeons, Helltides, Whispers… Nope. Grind a single dungeon non stop for 8 hours a day.


I agree with the leveling being not fun in the slightest, but at least you can work around it with boosting. This is not saying i agree that boosting should be required but it was the same way in D3. All these things are seriously turning me off of the game right now. I’ve got at least 2500+ hours in D3, God knows how many hours in the original D2, and probably around 100+ or more hours in D4 so far. I’m a diehard Diablo player/fan!!! Most all ARPG’s are my home. Countless hours in PoE, Grim Dawn, Wolcen (sadly), Last Epoch, Any Diablo like game! To see what they have done so far in D4 is sickening!

I REALLY hope they change this HORRIBLE system, change it FAST, and change it WELL before S1 comes out. If not, i HIGHLY doubt i will even bother with S1. I’d rather just go play PoE at that point…


it’s D3 loot 2.0
Welcome! :smiley:


D3 loot was no where near like this at all… EVERYTHING had a pre-determined level req. nothing was bound to your character level…


nah it was exactly same.

You just never noticed it, because leveling was fast.

it was bound to 70 lvl, and it took your 2 min for alt.

I mean, before level 50+ the item level requirement is usually like 5-10 levels below the level you are when it drops, which a lot of people complain about because they think it means the item is dropping at ten levels below what they are, and I don’t think that’s true, it’s that the items are actually supposed to be more alt-friendly so you could actually accelerate an alt by feeding them gear that’s several levels more powerful than they could get on their own.

Above 50 somewhere this seems to stop, and stuff drops with an item level requirement equal to your own, which may be an explicit expression of the idea that “this is endgame so you should work for your loot on each character over time”.


I think leveling is fun… I like the campaign, and trying wacky skill combos that do not fit in any meta


I’m level 84 and can’t stand that everything I pick up is my item level regardless of quality.

There’s a lot of stuff I’d like to save for alts that I can’t.


You could craft gear for your alt in Diablo 3. The system is way different.

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I’ve picked up, on my lvl 81 barb, just about every single unique in the game. Including the ones for other classes… And NONE of my alts can use a single damn one… THAT is a TRASH system.


we are talking about drop system and not craft system. Drop system is exactly same.

Yep. Buying items from town vendors on alts is best route.

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Why would you make an alt and try to use an aspect extracted from a high level item on an item meant for a low level character? It sounds like you thought you were being clever by trying to circumvent the system only for it to end in disappointment. And because you’re not mature enough to take responsibility for your failure you resort to issuing blame - since it must be wrong that the system wasnt designed with you in mind.

Leveling in D3 took no time at all, loot had the same issue with level tho, however Minus level requirement was a thing also you could remove the requirement completely with the gem etc


I have had a few sacred items drop in the open world. It almost makes more sense to just kill every mob in sight in the open world than bothering with a dungeon or other activity.

At least, that is my experience with loot.

It’s not EXACT because the level req capped at lvl 70 tho. Atleast in D3, lvl 70 was easy to get to! This game tho, there is NO cap. Something your ALT might REALLY need can be dropped on your main character which could be god knows how many levels higher! It’s the most insane thing i have ever seen! There is NO other ARPG like that…

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consumable gems of ease in the store in 3, 2 …


i’m not 100% sure but i think while leveling gear that droped to you have your level as requiments as well. I’m 99% sure about it. But maybe i’m wrong.

So the difference is just that 1-70 took your 2 min in D3 and 150 hours in D4.