This is HORRIBLE for a Sorcerer!

Og my goodness! I haven’t played Sorcerer this season, so I thought I’d test out this PTR with an Arc Lash build. Getting to 49 was rather tedious, but manageable. Then I hit Tier 3. It feel like I’m trying to hit everything with a wet noodle! It was slow before, aside from some burst damage, but now I’m not even going to bother going further with this. Just trying to kill the lvl 50 quest mobs was way too much of an extended effort and that Hoarfrost guy either had a bazillion HP or my damage just was not registering. It didn’t help that I would get him down to about 50% and then he’d bug out and reset. I died 6 times just trying to take him down. Everything I threw at him barely made a dent in his HP.

When Season 5 is live, I will not be playing Sorcerer! Unless a major rethink is done, this class is going to be a non-starter. Trying druid next.

Blizzard says they hear us. Maybe they do but if they do they either don’t understand what we’re saying, don’t care what we’re saying, or don’t understand how to fix the problem.


PTR has a recognized boss HP/Durability bug. They are similar scaling to “tormented” level regardless of their actual type. You summon a normal Varshan and he is even named as tormented but still level 75. These bugs have been known to reset back down to sane amounts by dying to the boss and trying again in most cases. Devs also said it won’t be addressed in PTR.

I know that to be the case, but I think it’s an incredibly arrogant way to handle things.

From the first MINUTE of the PTR they knew, and had the audacity to tell us straight away that they don’t care.

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Yesterday I ran a pit run on my Rogue and struggled a bit… OK, sure I overestimated my might a bit but still managed decently

Got to the boss and thought, hey that’s fine, look I got 5:30 left to kill the boss, this isn’t Sorc so should be fine having a decent single-target damage

Was I wrong lol, and even had to chug a few potions quickly to survive the first quarter of the fight :slight_smile:

Its normal sorc gameplay but mostly in end game. On early game should be ok. Blizzard should add all items from pit to helltide because helltide will be end game for sorc in season 5.

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