This guy is 110% right

thank you Elias :+1: give a like to him


So, what does he says ? (Can’t really look at the video right now, and I’m a bit disappointed by thoses topics with absolutely no info without watching 20mn of a random youtuber)


I’m going to guess it’s about Blizz intentionally nerfing to push players into playing Seasons where the Season-only gear will replace the lost power.

And/or it’s about live services always starting with OP ‘fun’ levels (not that D4 wasn’t equally as frustrating and disappointing, but relative to later, it was more ‘fun’) and then going into a nerf-and-promise-better-in-the-next-(paid)-DPC cycle.


everything is plan from a longtime to nerf us to 40% and after make a live stream giving us back 20% buff back and after he will feel better and say oh blizzard listen to us but in the end for real he get screw of 20% but the community will feel better and happy to have 20% back also this force player to play season and there you are allow to buy battle pass vs the internal realm is a 100% nerf because you dont have Malignant power, sadly guy you get manipulate like a bunch of :sheep: :ram:


is he saying the first season can’t be good because the people interested in the battle pass already got it through initial purchase so it makes more business sense to have the juice on the second or even third?

i haven’t watched. just guessing.

Though apparently people can hold back ‘using’ their battlepass until a later season?

If people know that it might totally backfire.

It seems a lot don’t know that though.


i heard about that but nothing really confirmed it. i guess we’ll see soon enough :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, thanks for the summary, so I’ll apply the Hanlon’s razor rule to contredict this video/topic.

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that would actually help tho, no one is saying some dialing back wasnt needed it was just waay to much of it

Nah doesn’t track for me. Blizzard doesn’t walk back nerfs like that. They might maybe MONTHS later, but not immediately. That’s not their MO.

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basic they nerfed everyone 40% unless you play the season then its only 20% nerf sounds lame to me


I dislike youtuber/streamer giving their “2cents” and “analysis” about games, but this guy somehow gave an observation/explanation that make sense.

I really don’t care what some random YouTuber has to say about business psychology. Think for yourselves for once instead of parroting the same stupid videos over and over again.

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Here is a summary of the video transcript for people not wanting to watch the whole 20mins :

  • Blizzard employs psychologists and behavior scientists to study player behavior and psychology. This allows them to predict community reactions and manipulate players through game design. They can get away with controversial changes by leveraging psychology.

  • A large majority of players (possibly 90% or more) are casual and unaware of controversies and changes being discussed by the hardcore community. They just log in, play, and may not even notice nerfs. So community backlash represents a small minority.

  • The sweeping nerfs across all classes are likely a negotiation tactic to anchor expectations extremely high before “meeting in the middle.” Blizzard can then ease up on the nerfs while still achieving their original goal, and get goodwill from the community who thinks they “won.”

  • Blizzard pre-schedules announcements and streams carefully. The quick response to schedule a feedback stream means this was pre-planned, not a reaction to backlash. Blizzard predicted the backlash and wants to appear responsive.

  • The nerfs hurt the Eternal Realm more than seasonal play. This may further push players into seasonal mode where monetization occurs. Nerfed eternal characters also make seasonal power seem more appealing.

  • Even if Blizzard reverses the most extreme nerfs, it reveals they don’t have a clear vision or justification. They are just blindly reacting to community feedback rather than sticking to a design. This damages their credibility with hardcore fans.

  • Hardcore knowledgeable fans see through the manipulative tactics, but the casual majority won’t notice or care. So Blizzard has painted themselves into a corner where they can’t win back the trust of hardcore fans.

  • Blizzard always claims controversial changes are “for the good of the game” but in reality the changes often make the game worse long-term, despite short term player retention gains.


reality are these youtuber and streamer are also partners sometime with blizzard and know how is work over there , sure they know more of you and me and i`m not sock they have people that study the player base reaction is 110% logic is a multi million business

thank :+1:

I must see a react video to this…from another youtuber, so i know how i should think and feel


This is something that just irks me in the past few days. Everything is a video instead of sitting down and writing an article. It’s disappointing because of the vast amount of mediocrity that has to be slogged through to get to any worthy. Dilution because anyone with a phone can throw up video and then algorithms shove it into your face, not because of quality, but because it’s trending.

Agreed. And it’s ironic, because it used to be that video would be popular because it was the lass time-consuming option than reading an article.

Now, because of YouTube algorithms (need to stretch that to 10 minutes!) videos are more full of filler poop and are harder to skim through that a text article, but it’s too late because the modern consumer can’t bear to read text.

Modern media is effed in the A.

They should really add a synopsis of the video when they post one.

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There was CLEAR communication from the as long as a year or more ago that Seasonal content was where everything new added to the game would at least START. Some of it may rollover after, but that will be on case by case basis. As for monetization, ummmm, the Seasons are free. There is no non-cosmetic incentive to pay for them. Just like there is no non-cosmetic aspect to the shop.

For the 100th time in the last 48 hours, absolutely EVERYTHING is a massive conspiracy to the folks around here. They nerfed classes to get people to play seasons?? Almost EVERYONE has been playing Seasons in Diablo games since the first ladder went live in Diablo II.