This game is the biggest ocean that exists in arpgs

And its as deep a puddle.

Raids are okay. They are too easy but also would be to hard if made more complicated. So cant solve this. This game has no lost ark raid audience, its no hate. But at this point the raid is underwhelming boring. Only did it on T2 though.
T4 might be same but hugher numbers.

Runewords are bad. Nobody wants enigma like in D2 but nobody wants this either.
Are those even runewords… oh and you can UNSOCKET … that makes runes cheap cause they dont exit economy.

Campaign. Omg what did I pay for.

Rest of the game is just lame.
NMDs run through, Pit run through, Hordes Arena …

It all feels the same.

Cant help fix this game. It was a blast the first 13 hours though but after T3 stuck til paragon 200 it gets dull.

Good news:
When T3 progression hits you realise you gotta quit. In other games it takes 2 weeks.

Maybe ARPGs are just bad genre. Looking back at D2 grind it was bad as well

How do item drops influence your feeling about T3 grind? Are drop rates too low? (Isn’t there a way to target farm slots… Undercity maybe?)

It’s in the overall mix. Gotta identify what the weak points are, in any game. I personally loved the combination loot grind, skill mechanics, group dynamics in D2, even if the grind did get tedious on its own.

I feel sorry for OP but I guess it is his fault and he cannot blame anyone. There are several games I really enjoy playing. If I buy a new game and it is not that great I have other games to fall back on. Apparently OP does not have this option. Maybe he should spend some time and find something he really likes instead of playing games he doesn’t enjoy and publicaly announce his discontent…

Wasted my time reading the load of garbage from op thinking there was any substance. Guess its as flat as the puddle he claims this game is.