This first expansion is a total failure

  1. Mercenary → Boring, Shallow and Dispensable
  2. Rune → Boring, Shallow and Unbalanced
  3. New Class → Unbalanced and Bugged
  4. Undercity → Boring

Thanks for your feedback


Well you bought it. Make the best of it, or don’t play it at all.


Yeah, I bought the ultimate edition, then I quit, so I feel I had wasted my money.


Well Like I said, if you don’t like something ( a game ) you don’t HAVE to force yourself to play it.

This season isn’t for everybody, that’s for sure.
What I’d suggest to do is play another game Hopefully to your liking,

or wait until season 7, but before you invest in any of That, do some research, see what it’s about before investing in season 7 and then getting disheartened.

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Wouldn’t call it a total failure. There’s some good ideas in there that weren’t fully fleshed out and/or properly tested. Pretty much Blizzard’s M.O. these days.


I quit 10 days before and would never play the next seasons.

There isn’t any threaten from D4 so that POE2 delay 3 times. Other Diablo like games are taking things easy too.

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It’s kind of failure because in eyes of many (most?) people instead of progressing the game - it regressed it. Be it scarce loot, slog, RNG upon RNG upon RNG - but these things can be fixed quite easily.

What you cannot fix easily is giving people well designed class (apart from bugs that make it OP) that shows the issues the other classes have. There are many people that are now unable to play anything but Spiritborn, because other classes feel just bad for them. It’s not even about them being weaker, but lack of synergies, worse flow etc.

This expansion probably will do more harm to the game than good in longer term, because it showed many problems that are ofentimes not easy to solve.

Now they would have to pretty much remake most of the older classes for S7 otherwise people coming back after playing SB will think the gameplay is trash, and they got bored of SB so don’t want to roll another one twice in a row.


Sorry you are not having fun. Even with all the craziness, I am still playing more this season so far than any other.


ye its more of less destroyed this season … u got few players around there playing most are clueless and hit the wall after few days :=)

and 80% just moved on ^^

but i also share the same opinion … the season and expansion was a total fail 101%

Curious as to how you know that “80% just moved on”.



80% is most probably an exaggeration, but playercount on Steam dropped by about 70%. So if we give some margin of error with assumption it’s not perfect sample, then most probably we will see 65-75% dropoff across all platforms.

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Ok, but how many people actually bought the game through steam?
I think it is pretty safe to say that the vast majority of people purchased this game through battlenet.

I won’t ignore steam but to say it is a poor example I do not believe too be to big of a stretch.


It’s not the numbers, it’s the trend. Sample size of Steam players is still around 60k. That’s quite a big sample. And if in that sample you have 70% dropoff, then there is very high probability very similar things happen on other platforms.


It is a success but not for you and us as consumers


I understand what you are trying to say but I think it’s too much of a stretch.
It’s like saying that my friends list is a direct representation of how this game it doing. So If I still see friends playing… that must represent the trend.
Ultimately, these assumptions are still assumptions imho. No disrespect.

But I never pay attention to those things because the only metric that matters to me is if I am having fun.
In the end, I can only speak for myself with any certainty.


No. If they do election polls - they don’t ask 10 million of people. They ask over 1000 and it appears to be enough to already extrapolate it to another millions of people with some margin of error.

Magic of statistics. You don’t need to ask everyone to predict with some degree of certainity what everyone thinks.


Ok, we will just have to agree to disagree.


You disagree with statistics, not with me. You are pretty much just denying that public polls work.


No. Do not put words in my mouth. You are being way too hyperbolic and if you want to think you are not. Fine.
You have every right to think whatever you want.
I am not going to continue this. I have already explained myself. There is no reason for me to continue this discussions
I tried to end it amicably. In any case you can respond if you want but I am done.
