Things I was really hoping for in this PTR/Patch

Not only that, they want us to spend $40 on these damn cosmetics, but our characters don’t even see them because we’re always a BEAR.

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true , if anything druids needs to make forms optional (permaforms at least) , changing for 1 attack is ok , but being an animal all the time gets boring…

same thing for wow druids for years , now at least have tons of forms to choose from and color variations of those.

still sucks not being able to enjoy your char , the cool armor and whatnot.

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you ‘get’ me.

i love u for it

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:smiley: isnt just me , options options options , something blizz doesnt add until its too late

for unknow reasons…they are slow on cosmetic options that should be there day 1, its 2024…tho we learned something from all this years.

( im still waiting for upright undeads on wow… maybe someday )

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Yea, the undead thing needs to happen.


I’d also like there to be more ginger options for humans.

game shipped with 4 faces…we will get more eventually but ugh for a big (costly) game like diablo feels like nothing.

Would love to see Shouts for Druid release Tornados, similar to the Barb dust devil one. Cyclone armor should have an upgrade where getting hit causes a lightning bolt to drop.

Wish hurricane would get a damage upgrade, there’s an aspect to have its damage ramp that seems pointless.

I also think that ravens feel like they thematically match with wind builds, and they are in a desperate need of a unique item or an aspect, so:

I think a cool unique item idea for ravens similar to what you suggest would be something like “tornadoes that contact/enter raven active zone for the first time are recast (reset their “duration”, as well as have 20% chance to become two tornadoes according to “enhanced tornado”) and are also swarmed by ravens”. The tornadoes would essentially become moving raven actives with smaller area of effect that includes both tornado and raven damage, have the raven critical rate boost and naturally look like tornadoes swarmed by ravens.

Currently having storm chaser aspect on an amulet or a two-handed weapon (150% & 200% aspect effect boost) is useless because tornadoes expire before they benefit from extra tracking above 3. An increase to duration would synergize with that. Additionally, if they were to change the raven vulnerable upgrade to not be tied to the skill activation but just apply vulnerable to anything damaged by the raven active, then tornadoes could also apply reliable vulnerable this way with the unique item.

I admit that it could be a bit too strong buff for tornado build like this, but just from conceptual standpoint I think it would be cool.

funny thing is I have a human form lighting druid right now and it kills everything and I don’t use a single wolf or bear skill

Yes, but there are bonuses in wolf, when you wear TR that would increase lightning when they become wolf skill. I think that’s what’s limiting the human form atm, not to mention the raw +wolf which in turn increases core LS or Tornado if you’re running these.

I myself am hoping for an improvement in the companion builds, they need some love. Hoping that someday, wolf companions cast dancing bolts when biting/attacking enemies.

yeah “human form” doesnt provide anything , and it should at least for nature spells or something

maybe some passives that “while no form” , because there is ton of bonuses to while in bear / wolf , after shapeshift / leaving shapeshift…

plust gear that make forms perma (gaining bonuses all the time)

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The “Human” glyph needs a massive buff and there needs to be uniques/aspects that benefit you in human form.

This is honestly why I am not playing much anymore…there are not options for endgame in regards to builds.

I just really want the option to build a pure human (Zeus) lightning storm Druid but it’s just never going to be optimal at this rate.

lacerate, boulder, cyclone, landslide are quite clunky. even charge, lightning storm, wolves, earth spike and d-roar aren’t that fun to play.

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Same situation Lightning Storm - makes for more sense to have these builds being Human form focused.

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This is not “play your way”


It’s pigeonholing.


Make an aspect that just gives a big damage boost “while in human form”

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Or they could just buff the Human glyph like i listed originally.

Honestly it would just fix so many of the things I wanted fixed.

Doubt they could justify the amount of damage needed in a single glyph tho. Needs aspects and a human unique realistically of course in addition to the glyph

Yea, you’re probably right.

The glyph DOES need a buff, though.