Bunch of people posting 50/50 Mats for Duriel rota runs.
So I got curious and searched a litte bit … 25 Bucks for 50 Tickets … good price Just like some cosmetics.
This is what happens when you have a game breaking duplication bug and absolutely nothing is done to anyone from our perspective. $$$ takes over all if you let it.
They could have figured out the absolute most mats anyone could have earned 24/7 when bug found and then immediately banned every single person over that amount as you know these are the players that duped but instead they buried their head in the sand and did seemingly nothing to anyone. This just enforced even more duping later because you can get away with it.
Op implies Bliz is behind this and the one selling runs. Its quite a ridiculous claim but I cant say with 100% certainty it is not happening. That is how low Bliz has fallen.
I don’t really care if someone wants to buy Duriel tickets since there is no real advantage in having uber uniques, but the hypocrisy behind the game as a service, not wanting pay-to-win, and not doing anything against it is really a joke.
i cant help but feel like most people on this board fundamentally have no clue what pay-2-win actually is.
like most of you guys yell “pay-2-win” at the most ridiculous non pay 2 win aspects ever.
you guys are essentially the people screaming that getting banned off twitter is “taking away your first ammendment right” just a fundamental lack of understanding of what the actual thing you are complaining means.
Can you explain to me what pay-to-win is? It involves purchasing materials to avoid spending endless hours farming, allowing players to obtain items instantly. Isn’t this the underlying principle of all pay-to-win mobile games?
Mm… But buying Duriel tickets is actually pay to win? ^^;
a pay to win game is a game where the company making the game offers in game power, or shortcuts in exchange for cash.
this absolutely does not cover the gray market for power or shortcuts because you will never stop people from selling power/levels/shortcuts for money in any game.
you can disable all trading, people will still sell invites to parties farming duriel.
you can ban groups, and people will sell 100 duriel runs with someone else logging into your account and doing them for you.
you can never stop the gray market. the best thing to do is design the best game you can, and just not worry about it, because you’re not gonna stop it.
d3 is a prime example of this, with a gutted pathetic trade system that barely qualifies as being called “trading” there is still a good size market for someone logging into your account and doing g rifts for you so you dont have to.
can you please show me how to buy duriel tickets in the d4 ingame store, or the blizzard store, i actually could use some.
This is really funny because my criticism is about the outsourcing of exactly what you said—the grey market—and Blizzard is doing nothing against it. Instead, they choose to close their eyes and promote their hypocrisy of a game as a service. Were RoS-Bot and THUD in D3, not part of the grey market before they started to take action?"
the sites you refer to exist since diablo 2 lol. not much they can do about it, except ban players would are proven to have been taking part in rmt.
doesnt only happen in diablo for that matter. vampirekid13 summed it up quite nicely
I really don’t care about the technicality that the game company isn’t the one taking the money. Players are paying to gain a significant advantage over others. That’s the nature of pay to win.
There’s a way to stop it actually?
Put the game back to how the older games used to be where you’d find stuff by going out to bosses that didn’t have hamster wheel tokens and give gamers an actual game instead of putting development efforts on capture cycles.
Yeah, you’d still have bots grabbing stuff for people while they slept lol, but the ticket trading / scamming would stop.
what exactly do you want them to do?
Is it my responsibility to find solutions, or is it the responsibility of the billion-dollar company?
thats hardly a technicality, theres a huge difference between players organizing a grey market, vs a company straight up selling power.
this wont solve anything, people will pay $$ for others to play the game for them.
the people that dont like helltides, will pay some underpaid chinese slave to grind helltides for them.
people that dont like nmds will pay some child slave in indonesia to grind nmds for them.
this is unstoppable. there will always be a black/grey market. theres nothing that can be done, you’re better off worrying about how YOU play the game, than how others play it.
well you opened this thread, so it could have been possible you have an idea for it.
Honestly, i wonder why you care tho
according to
it doesnt matter if people play unfair, and theres no need to scream for bans. Well, real money traders got banned, and will get banned. That is a solution to such problems.
The website itselfs is basically legal id say, of course blizzard can forbid it and thats exactly what they do.
That is EXACTLY the problem.
How do you think I want to play the game?
Do you think after playing the last few Diablo titles with free roaming item finding that I think stuffing all of the uniques behind a tedious boss grind that has pay 2 win written all over it was a good idea?
How I want to play the game doesn’t involve hamster wheel capture loops come up by a psychology team lol.
To me, these tokens are both a source of p2w and a symptom of increasingly sick, unfriendly game design.
oh, yea, i agree, i personally think we should move back to the d2 way of having everything tradeable. so people can trade for their uniques, that way you can play whatever way you want and slowly accrue wealth to trade for a shako or grandfather or doombringer.
id actually agree, i mean, it wouldnt push rmt much further anyway. as you stated, people will always find something to sell especially in popular games, even if nothing is tradable, itll be group invites etc.
all we can do is hope theyll keep detecting these people and remove them from the game.
Trading of all items has massive pitfalls. Trading will always be the best, fastest, and easiest way to gear up.
Do you want to play Trade Sim 3000 or the actual action RPG you installed?
Ive seen so many games get rekt by trading. Its why SSF is a thing. PPL could play SSF anytime they want with self instigated rules. But they dont. They or their frens all get sucked into the trade black hole and so they have to join a SSF realm to protect themselves from the temptation.
you think? i admit i liked that aspect of d2 a lot ^^
im fully 100% onboard with this.
i KNOW that it will make 0 impact on rmt. rmt will be there, it will be there if you ban all groups and trading or if you fully enable grouping and trading. theres nothing blizzard will do to stop someone from selling stuff in these games.
stop taking away good features trying to combat it. try to detect as many people as you can, and ban them, and some will slip through the cracks and oh well. life’s tough. cant really solve it can we?
just give us trade so we can accrue wealth and trade for uber uniques. the 1% drop rate isnt the issue. it could be 0.00001% and it wouldnt be an issue, the issue is the lack of ways for normal players to get it.
with trade a normal player could grind whatever for a whole season and have the hope that they will be able to afford 1 or 2 uber uniques before its over.