Yes, its cringe af. My Rocket League chat gets “Never gonna give you up” song spammed, even more cringe.
They should have done a World of Diablo Opening Cinematic, and then followed up with some obscure date and gibberish text for people to decode that it was an april fools joke.
There’s always next year.
at least they didnt go for the brutal option.
imagine if they fake announced a fake beta reopening
im gonna go on a limb here and say they wouldnt joke about that because it’s an actual possibility xD
i always thought d4 would be world of diablo actually. was suprised to see diablo4.
i thought they’d do the same roadmap as warcraft had:
wc1/wc2/wc3/wow → d1/d2/d3/wod
They should make a trailer for Diablocraft, would be funny.
Hope entire D4 and the beta is an april fools joke and the real game will be tested in a new date. knowing bli$$ it’s not.
…or you can refund ( that if you actually bough the game and not a sandwich ) , and move on?
i had hoped for a better joke. Like a 6th character joining. A skinny druid for example.
Or showing a full body loot system in pvp.
kinda a weak april fools joke… I think they don’t want to confuse anyone so they are just making up something completely out of left field
That would look like a poor taste joke after they release WoD though.
I feel they missed the boat on that one. Considering one of the negative feedback people had was that they felt it was too mmo, playing a “world of diablo” prank now would have been much more impactful
this particular op´er enjoying trolling is not new. but at least he´s admitting.
I mean, thats just mythic+.
I liked the RL chat changes
I guess you could say… they let you down, even though they promised that they wouldn’t.
If they make a true MMO style game out of Diablo, it should just be called Sanctuary.
Lemme guess, Diamond?
“We’re skipping Diablo V-XI. Prepare for Diablo XII.”
i dont get it. what’s the joke there?
at first i thought maybe it’s making fun of final fantasy but they didnt skip to anything idk
skipping 5 to 11 and going right to 12. nope still dont get it. can someone help me D:
I would guess because FF fans believe that 7 was the last real FF before 14. So they skipped 6 versions.
Probably wrong, didn’t really read in to it.
I was expecting a D4 mobile or Diablo World thing.