There was an error delivering your message to 7000

There was an error delivering your message to 7000

Hello, I can’t send messages to anyone in the game.

yes ı have the same problem but it doesnt fixed

You can’t send messages in-game either, right?

I just tested this myself.

Was able to send messages to local chat, clan chat and to a friend on my friend list. No errors.

I can send friends to the local chat list, but I cannot send private messages.

To anyone in your friends list, or someone just in game that is not on your friends list?

I did pick a random barb in the game just now and tried whispering to them, no errors.

Did you get silenced (chat ban) in one of your games on Blizzard by chance?

I just can’t whisper to anyone

I don’t remember, I only play diablo 3-4

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