There is no notice that you cannot un-imprint and re-use a legendary aspect

I got the shockwave legendary aspect for druid, a cornerstone for the build, and was super excited. I threw it on a weapon assuming you could just freely remove it and unimprint it like the codex ones, but you can’t.

There should be an in-game notice that imprinting a legendary is irreversible. I don’t think I’m going to be able to get another one without a serious amount of grounding and eventually, the level 28 weapon I threw it on will be non-viable. Seriously bummed me out.


I had Aspect Of Explosive Mist drop on some boots, totally game changing.

Later I had better rare boots drop, so thought I’d extract the power for reuse, like I’d done a half dozen times already.

The occultist was quite happy to charge me for this service, and proudly showed me what my extracted aspect would look like, great!

Except, no, this legendary power is NOT an aspect, so I paid to lose it, and 25,000 gold too!

Gee Blizzard, you think it might be a good idea to tell the player in game that extracting non-aspect legendaries is not possible, and prevent the occultist allowing the transaction anyway?

Yes, this is my bloody fault, but the game acted the same way it had when I extracted actual legendary aspects, no warning, nothing, just…oh…where’s it gone??


I don’t understand what you mean and don’t want to make the same mistake. You’re saying you can’t take aspects from ledgendary items?

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Imprinting on a legendary is irreversible, or imprinting an aspect that wasn’t a codex aspect?

He’s saying that if you find an item with a good ability modifier for your build, DO NOT have the occultist extract it. and if you put it on an item you cant remove it and use it later. Seriously annoying that they don’t fkn tell you this. Like unbelievably annoying actually.


They’re talking about aspects, not affix’s, you can remove aspects from Legendary’s, I keep transferring the same one over and over to different legendries with no issue at all.

Whoops, saw this too late. Paid him to extract a cool Legendary on a Helm, showed it was extracted, took my 20k, and no aspect anywhere to reimprint.

Yup same thing with me, had a perfect stat roll so I extracted it for my build thinking I could upgrade it later on, threw it on my current gen weapon and lost it forever.

Thanks Blizzard

I miss Kanai’s Cube :cry:


Ridiculous. Same crap just happened to me. Game needs to warn you when it’s a random world drop that you may never see again.

When you remove an aspect from your legendary items it becomes a physical item that is usable to imprint on to another item only ONCE.

It goes into your inventory in the “aspects” tab. It does not go into the codex book, that is entirely different and those are minimum rolled weak versions (with no variation) of aspects that you are guaranteed to earn from it’s designated dungeon.


So it’s a single-use item. How unfortunate. And how could the devs think this is a good thing, when it’s only done for those aspects that are random world drops (and are so strong that they might anchor a build?).

Also, does the extracted aspect have a level requirement? If I extract an aspect from a level 50 item, can I imprint a level 1 item with it - and does that level 1 item stay level 1, or get upgraded to the aspect’s level?

I had been looking for a max aspect, finally found it, figured, slot aspect done!.. went to rtransfer it to a new item to find that it would not extract, nothing in the game had told me this and nothing in the game tells you, it just blacks out the item.
Horrible lesson to learn the hard way not only would I have saved that for an end end game item but also I feel this makes a bad item system even worse. Such a shame that this game didnt have any good designers on board.

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umm finding aspects is not hard. save the best aspect stats for end build not when your low level. use cheap imprints or any that you find laying around. you change gear too fast leveling up to want to use the best stat aspects early game. common sense.

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Nice comment, genius. It’s actually not common sense at all, particularly if this is your first Diablo game. Have some common sense courtesy and respect for people, you sound like a pompous D bag

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Yup, this got me too.

Found a 50% Aspect of Ancestral Force, threw it on a ~600 item power 2H weapon, now when I went to upgrade to a ~700 item power rare and “‘move” the aspect over, that’s when I learned they’re unmovable.

I don’t think Ancestral Force is extremely rare. But of the 3-4 I found in maybe 100 hours of gameplay, only this one was a max roll.

Frustrating for sure. Feels like you’re punished for trying out new features early. Why would the occultist not make this clear somehow?

Will be saving any other max roll aspects for when I’m level 90+

common sense isnt so common now days. aspects are new to diablo, so its new to everyone. but if it has rolls on it then there are better versions of it or can be. all gear has rolls on them for its stats, aspect is a stat. learn to play the game and stop being a karen because you cant get it your way.