The UNIQUES absolutely SUCK

That’s it - that’s the thing. The Unique items absolutely suck, and it feels bad to find one. The rarest of items, and with a few exceptions, in a few very particular circumstances, they are absolute trash. And we aren’t talking previous Diablos where you’d find a unique at level 5 and sure at end game that was useless. These are all endgame items - and they are very rare (comparatively) - and they are trash. They should feel amazing to find and instead it literally feels bad to find a unique in this game. Just bad.


they really do.
druids has one good one, one mediocre one and the rest is garbage surpassed by an average legendary. only the good one is build-defining, but other than the special ability it’s stats still suck.


Agreed i dont even feel excited to pick one up anymore. Most are crap.


i like the unique pants and the unique helm for pulv druids.

changed my playstyle a bit, like a unique should.

i dont see much interest in any other uniques though.
(well id want a shako on any other class lol)

*helm lets me use earthskills while in grizzly form and pants let me get free barriers all the time on top of adding the option to pop a potion at full health for a big barrier every fight.


I agree they don’t feel build defining at all, they just feel like another legionary expect you can’t modify it at all, so worse.

I was expecting them to gave game changing abilities, they do not.


so truueee not even worth collecting in a uniques stash tab


There might be one or two, as Teksuo above suggested, but generally you are 100% correct - and its so damn depressing. Even when they have cool potential aspects on them, because the rest is fixed (and often garbage for your build) you compare it to a legendary you’ve rolled well or modified and its just not worth it.

They literally feel bad to find.


Exactly how I felt. Pretty big letdown


Looked up the uniques and it just seems like their base stats are significantly worse than normal loot.


Just wanted to echo my opinion as well, the uniques do feel horrible. I saw that the grandfather is a drop in D4, but until I get that, the rest of them do feel like they suck for the most part. The worst part is you can’t even enchant uniques to change the one affix that would make it marginally better :frowning:


One of the most fun things about ARPGs, is when you find a truly build defining piece of gear. Especially if you’ve been waiting for it to drop for a long time.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that moment is a big part of the reason people play these games.

Diablo 4 seems to be allergic to the concept of a single piece of gear defining a build. Instead, the paragon board is meant to serve that purpose. Not the same, at all. Hopefully this is something addressed in S1, because the boring nature of most aspects and uniques is going to be a killer for this game otherwise.


agreed especially when they have class uniques but dont have the amount balanced for the specs, example sorcs. Feels bad being ice sorc imo looking at sorc uniques.


idk about other classes but Necro’s are neat.


Only uniques are bad?

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This is an elephant in the room. The uniques suck. I suggest allowing uniques to have imprinted powers. Also, allow a unique system to where if you get another of the same kind, you can “meld” it with the current unique you have and increase its power further.


it would feel pretty epic to be able to put an aspect on uniques and also be able to reroll a mod at the artificer.

would that be stupidly OP? maybe. would be fun tho


Afaik Season 1 and 2 are already designed. So they will hardly tackle actual problems, but just expand A/B vision of the game.
Honestly, i do not expect the game to change more or less significantly in the next year.


Temerity is good, so are the ice gloves. Really for Sorc it’s pyros who got the job, all of their uniques are straight garbage. You can build a fun looking meme fireball spam build, that will be completely useless because of the heavy debuffs the uniques apply. Yay!

That’s not true. Both the helmets are build-defining for top tier builds and pretty much everyone uses Temerity. The werebear chest also isn’t bad but the aspect is probably better late-game.

And I do wonder if that is an over reaction to Diablo 3 and set gear being OP, or maybe a bit of D2’s over dependence on All uniques - but it’s not good. This isn’t the right balance - it literally makes me sad to find one, and the rarest of gear in a game shouldn’t do THAT.