The Truth About Necromancer Minions

Thought I would just drop this here to show you why minions are so bad.

Literally proves half the class is broken. I dont think anyone tested this more than a day. Literally half of it does not work, or works at reduced capacity. Wow, just , I cannot believe it. This is something that would make Tigole and Furor go on the forum and rage for hours.

Every single item in this game is goofed for minions. Minion damage has almost no effect randomly throughout, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt. I just can’t even right now. This is a joke.

Already posted, they are bad because they don’t scale, so they have very limited damage output and can’t compete with the other options available.

You get to a moment (lvl 70+ more or less) where you have to choose between keeping the maxed out minions doing aroud 2K-4K damage per hit… or put mendeln and get 300k+ damage per proc and start deleting stuff.

Some time later you realize minions do nothing, and start removing things from your minion paragon boards, your minion oriented aspects, start putting shadow damage, bonestorm, tendrils… until it’s not a minion build anymore, but a Mendeln build that uses minions to cast the spell.

Minions aren’t meta in the current state of DIV, no matter what you do. Max paragon, max gear, 2 handed with max damage per hit and you are doing 1% the damage you could be doing with a Mendeln build, let alone, a bone spear build.

I still use full minion and some Mendeln and plagued CE spam, army of the dead, tendrils and decrepy, with all the minion bosting aspects and full cult leader, but it’s a matter of time that if we don’t get a buff I’ll end up going full Mendeln instead of full minion / half Mendeln because yep, they kinda work for leveling slow, but it’s just underperforming.

Sadly bone spear, Mendeln and mist builds are exactly the same build that works stacking the same thing and using the same 4 skills, so there’s no variety unless you want to fight against the ingame maths and have an underperforming (a way underperforming) character.

PS: How many millions is the DPS of a Bonespear build? It’s around 3 million per hit and that spear can hit multiple targets + the shards.

What about minions? Let’s say 4K per hit; reapers and bone golem have cleave, the blizzard can hit multiple targets… but you won’t see any high number. Let’s say 2 attacks per second; that’s around 100K DPS.

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