The State of Barb and future S1 changes

Been playing Barb for a while now, and I think it’s pretty clear we have our issues. Many people claim they’re breezing through content w/ Barb, and that our issues are all imagined. However, as we know you can say almost anything on Blizzard forums without providing proof.

Here’s a video of Rob (who, apparently nobody knows on these forums) discussing changes he’d like to see for Season 1. An important topic he discusses is overall game balance, and comparison of Barbarian and Necro, both of which he’s min/maxed over the course of D4.

Main points summarized below.

  • Barb buffs weren’t impactful, for instance frenzy would need 5-10x dps to be remotely viable
  • Every class can kill Lilith in about 90 seconds
  • Fastest Barb kill is 6-7 minutes with min/max gear and gear swapping
  • Necromancer kills Uber Lilith with much less gear and effort
  • Currently, playing Barb in S1 would be purposefully gimping yourself because you enjoy the class
  • Barbs and druids struggle at the start compared to other classes (especially rogue)

Several very important quotes:

  • I didn’t even try on my necro, I just went in and I killed her, 90 second kill. My gear isn’t even half of what my barb has
  • Gohrs is just a useless item now
  • Barb was always a zDPS class (support), it was never a damage dealer. Barb has been on the support side of things for years and years in D3. Right now on D4 it’s going into a similar direction