ah kk. well i guess thats cool for some. i remember some people asking for this stuff
Did my Druid wolves just get more love?
Hulk Smash for Golems!
Golem Hulk smash, bring it baby.
seems like its necro again for s5 (not like its suprising that itd play necro haha)
oh god… tempering, please dont nerf the hell out of it.
nice. bricking seems to stay.
Tempering… here we go.
URZA! your suggestion made it. +1 roll per GA. for sure one of the solid suggestions on it.
GAs haveing +1 temper per GA.
One extra roll to tempering
Not a bad change honestly. I know people are still going to be upset regardless.
yea, honestly its a great change, supported that one myself.
More weapon options for druid sorc and necro
They do what they do.
I don’t see shields on other classes… just sayin lol
i mean, not every class can be as superior as we necros are. lets be fair there.
Damn straight.
Finaly … Varshan summon mat reduced to 1.
I’ve been asking for this forever, and no longer resetting the dungeon!!
Reseting Boss fight without exiting! Mind blowing