Karen’s are you ready to rage? Everyone else enjoy the show.
Man it’s always a good show. Popcorn ready to read through all the tears and the show.
If they answer another question from Iggi it will be proof he in on the payroll.
I’m currently talking to Lyricana in the twitch chat, she’s already answered one of my questions, does that count? lol
No, and quit name dropping.
I wonder if Iggi is really PezRadar and he is just trolling us.
I do have a twitch stream you know lol. You can easily see I look completely different then PezRadar. My slightly above a dozen followers can back me up on this.
oh god, you know people will believe that considering how easy it is for conspiracy theories to grow here
Ofc it counts…
Who is iggi?
20 char
Going to throw out my own guess/conspiracy theory 10 minutes before the stream starts. We’re getting a Party Finder option of some sort, and the PTR will be all about testing it. I think that’ll be the main focus of the campfire. I’ll be proven wrong soon enough.
No one of note.
Our forum GOAT the CM loves Iggi.
I would talk to Brandy on the D3 forum, It was sad to see how the dimwits on the D3 forum treated her.
Blog and patch notes after the stream today.
your message has been deleted due to moderation settings. youre not allowed to talk about anything
Echoing Nightmares 2.0 introduced
man again D3 activity with D2 names/bosses LMAO
D2 bosses coming back.
Was not expecting this at all, I like this new Infernal Hordes thingy.