The Season Journey should be easier

In past seasons I was able to finish 99% of the Season Journey with my own just-for-fun build. Then, the final chapter has one or two objectives that require following a build guide, and completely overhaul my character, because of a steep difficulty spike.

That being said, the hardcore streamers don’t care about the Season Journey from what I can tell. So, I’m asking to make the final chapter of the season journey possible for casual players. And, still offer a fun challenge.

One solution is make one challenge just take a long grind as an option. So, casual players can prioritize the long grind to complete over a few weeks, while the hardcore streamers can choose the difficulty spike challenge and skip the grind challenge. Y’know how the Season Journey allows skipping a few challenges in each tier.

Thank you.

Is there a particular one you’re struggling with? I feel like this season was the easiest most casual friendly of all of them.

New season, on the other hand, does seem like it is quite crazy.
Last chapter has almost only challenges for Torment IV.

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Yeah, Blizz devs said in the fireside chat that the last chapter was going to be super hard, but give better rewards such as the new flying pet.

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