The same unique, over and over and over

I’m sure if people are just getting the same uniques repeatedly they’ll eventually fix it. But it’s Blizzard so “quickly” isn’t really something they do, unless it’s a nerf. Sidenote, BG3 is such a different game from this, I’m surprised you and your buddies thought this would have enough depth to it to hold your attention for that long. BG3 is gonna be great though, eh?

I have the same problem. While I was exping, I found almost every sacred piece for druid ( and barbarian ) :smiley: Now I am playing WT4 and I am finding only bear helm and wolf chest. Currently lvl 97 :smiley:

Bad luck I guess :confused:

I’ve gotten Iceheart Brais 4 times.

Same on my lvl 88 druid

Looting the werebear chestpiece again and again.

And the ice walking boots many times too.

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Guess it’s a common issue, hopefully it gets fixed glad I’m not the only one but at the same time it’s rubbish that it’s happening to others.

Ya there is something very fishy with the drop rates. I mean ive had my fair share of the same item dropping in d2 and d3 but in d4 man it seems to drop the same item over and over and over. Like my druid found 15 zenith rings not 1 tempest roar. I find zenith rings over and over and over and over. Its a ring right arent rings supposed to be more rare than chest or weapon or helm? I dont even run the same dungeon over and over. Theres something really suspicious with the d4 loot table and it would be great if blizzard would go into detail but i bet they never will because it is doing something that isnt like any other game im pretty sure the items dont have flat % drop chances.

Well yeah i confirm that
smart loot + lvl restriction + super low amount of them + high drop rate
is a mix of attributes that causes this - ive experinced the same with my sorc.
Firts started staff of lam essen like 5 times in a row
few levels later boots of esu - stoped counting
then that armor with teleport - 6pcs
Not even talking about uniques as reward form NM dungs, im insta selling them ATM

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Couple months isn’t asking for much, figured leveling, gearing, endgame and alts would be enough.

Nioh 2: 122 hours (about 700 including console)

Monster hunter rise: 304 hours.

WoW DF: 869 hours.

Elden Ring: 285 hours.

Valheim: 100 hours.

Grim Dawn: 200 hours.

Wolcen: 76 hours.

Last Epoch: 22.5 hours (day one EA was snorefest”.

Diablo 4: Relive has me at 69 hours (Nice) but it didn’t count for like a week. So I’d guess 125 hours.

We been friends a little over 20 years, and play a couple hours at night during the week, and usually binge a tad on Saturday, or Sunday depending on work schedules.

I have a 100 rogue now and Ive yet to get a Temerity. However, I’ve gotten 6 Razorplates, 8 Frostburns, and like 10 Skyhunters. So ya, you get the same unique over and over and over. The unique drop rates are absolutely abysmal in this game.


What does this have to do with the same uniques dropping? lol i’m confused

It’s a reply to someone else.

If you follow it makes more sense.

Welcome to the game where there are about a small handful of Unique items per Class. With some being more “rare” than others. With 5 armor pieces for the druid that could be Unique sure that is not taking in the account of the “all can use category” which is 7.

Im playing a rogue and I’m on my 5th sky hunter bow and 4th Word of Hakan… Plot twist im not playing marksman based but melee based. Rogue has 3 armor unique items oh joy… And sadly a Legendary Aspect out weighs alot of the Unique items. Oh also why no unique crossbow? or more Unique 1 handed swords.

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Are you following some idiot’s youtube guide?
Are you killing the same boss family over and over again in the same dungeon because it’s “the most xp/min that Blizzard didn’t nerf yet”?
If yes, stop it, get help.

That said…why do I see no goblins for days? Was it really less if you don’t have cross-play because you don’t want console Andys annoying you and lag between networks?

And yes we need BETTER (not necessarily more but that’s happening with each season…which still suck btw…) uniques yea. Rogue has 8…but 2 types of spec…so that’s 50% of them gone…and then the rest are trash depending on build (combo point dagger…what if I don’t have or want a generator that sucks to play and is not needed?=> zero worth it unique weapons._

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I think what they are trying to say is that if you are killing the same mob types, that could be why. Certain mob types have a higher chance to drop certain loot. Drowned mobs have a higher chance to drop scythes, so I have been farming them for the scythe uniques.

Eyes in the dark like 40 times. Never seen temerity. I’m lvl 100 I play a lot and these are the only pants that exist. It’s ludicrous

Yep. Loot is totally bonkers. Anybody who says otherwise isn’t playing or is just a fanboy. Blizz really screwed the pooch in this aspect. I have an entire bank tab filled with useless uniques as a HoTA barb. It’s disheartening. At this point in time i’m only playing season 1 because I’ve already paid for it. If a lot of these issues don’t get fixed i’ll be joining the others who have moved on already.

I havent had the SAME one 9 times, but ive gotten Mother 3 times in a row, Penitent greaves 2 times, Frostburn 3 times in a row, 100k steps twice in a row. This game LOVES to give the same damn uniques in a row. Something is DEF off with the loot system.

same drops over and over they claim they fixed the loop problem but there is so many of us that are still stuck in it. i dont even care for the uber uniques they can stay buried in the sands of Ked Bardu for all i care. but finding 18 sets of both storm and pulver druid. 92 levels on a bran new necro and the only useful but still bugged item i pull is black river with no howl from below. just repeats of frostburn of fists of fate.

4 level 100 chars and the first few worked great, they do their little fixes and completly shatters the game… i was really looking forward to diablo 4… this is what happens i guess. they really dont care about the people who invest in them. just the money they get out of them. sad days.

Same thing, although not quite as bad playing Rogue LVL 71 not getting in a row but have 4 windforce bows 3 of a particular dagger and a treble of another item. Only 3 other types of sacred uniques have dropped. went through dry spells also around 24 to 30 hours with no uniques at all???

The same here.
I am lv.70 Druid and have 4 Mad Wolf, 3 Waxing Gibbous, 6 Zenith rings, 2 Boots that create Frost trail which I forgot the name, 3 Butcher Cleave that drop from a single dungeon, and 3 Vasily’s Prayer. Seem like I will stuck in pure Bear/Wolf build for a long time, without the opportunity to test any storm build.