The Pit Boss One-Shot-Mechanics are unfair!

Sorry. I was trying to understand. Also, it’s nothing wrong with that. You just like to delete things … there is fun in that too.

You are referring to easy mode. Yes … But you are not actually playing the game that they intended to be played. Also perfectly fine if you like it that way.

I did play for a bit some immortal builds just to get mats from the pit. It felt like a super boring job. Idk …

I don’t ever play immortal builds or builds that are clearly only working because of gamebreaking bugs. It’s asking for disappointment if I play those because obviously they’ll be nerfed/fixed.

I only play the ones that are “meta” but also look fun to me . I don’t believe that this is “not how they intended the game to be played” because playing the meta builds usually is the most fun, for me more so than probably a lot of people because it is the entire reason I play videogames. I like to feel powerful and have satisfying progression.

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