The only change I want in this game now is a redesigned Starfall Coronet

I swear to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything that I don’t know why this item is still in the game. They nerfed CDR in S5, basically, and at this point is just actively makes Meteor worse. You have to pour so much into it to make it work it is absurd and it is makes an already single-target weak skill EVEN MORE AWFUL at single target DPS.

I never got to try this thing when it was first introduced and now that I have one in the PTR, this is my PTR feedback now. Do something with this item. :frowning:


Wow they nerfed Starfall as well? The item I would love to use but meteor wasn’t a great build last season?

It’s comical how much they’ve overreacted to that one stupid build. Longer cooldowns on all defensive skills and now some offensive ones as well.

I know they think they’re so slick with how they push everyone towards their “Meta of the month” builds but ruining everything else to do it is truly horrible game design.


Technically no, but this item is just… so sad.

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Sorry, it’s early and my coffee is still processing.

I’d like to see the cooldown range be between 4-6 seconds before CDR. it can be…effective…with a roll of 6 or 6.5 AND 50% cooldown reduction but that number is really annoying to get to and it’s still hard to justify it over Shako.

They did say the reworked old uniques wouldn’t be on PTR. So you might get your wish.

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Yeah Starfall was the first unique I had on my wishlist when I started playing Sorc. Unfortunately, even a great rolled Starfall is not worth the gear slot especially when the overall cast time of meteor makes it lower dps than just consta-blasting incinerate

I’d like to see the cooldown range between 0 and 0. I really don’t think making Meteor a cooldown skill is the answer. Sure, it’s a unique skill alteration. No, I don’t think it’s actually any fun, not when the goal would be to get the cooldown as close to 0 as possible and it ruins my damage on bosses until then (and even after).

Or make it combo with something. Anything. Meteor and fireball would be neat. As it is it’s a fair DPS increase on massive packs of monsters and a massive DPS loss on single targets.

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When I paired a low roll of this with Ice Blades I am actually able to use it fine with
Cooldown. Also Meteor as a CD has some interesting effects like granting you a barrier. It also would work with those new boots BUT Blizzard with their next level thinking… didnt realize boots are the MASTERY slot on Sorc

Your issue is likely with meteor skill itself the Cool Down restriction should come with Multiplicative damage to the skill as well

Yes, it absolutely needs a damage boost. I significant one, actually. I played around with meteor on PTR today and I could spam it non stop with my current load out. It barely made a dent as long as it hit something. The cooldown mechanic just stopped my dmg dead in its tracks, and that’s with 50%ish CDR and a 6.0 starfall.

Perhaps the first 2 casts are free on cooldown allowing it to trigger cooldown procs like you mention, but after the first 2 it starts draining mana until the first cool down is up.

I love what the helm does to the skill, but it’s way too long CD and clunky to play.

Meteor, in D2 at least, always had a long fall time, but you could still cast it repeatedly, more or less, back to back. The delay was very very short too, iirc. Nothing like the current 6 sec CD you have on a perfect roll Starfall.

Increase the time it takes to fall for all I care, just don’t make it so clunky and long CD. Or increase the mana cost, Idk.

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They just need to buff up Starfall Coronet a little bit and add a new Aspect that improves it single target DPS.

‍Starfall Coronet

  • +3-5 to Meteor
  • 6-10 % Cooldown Reduction
  • +13.5% to 20% Lucky Hit Chance
  • +600-1073 Maximum Life

Meteor now has 1 additional charge with a 4.0-9 second Charge Cooldown instead of a Mana cost, and drops 3 additional meteors around the target.

Meteor’s Enchantment Effect and Enhanced Meteor drop 1 additional meteor. You gain the Meteor Enchantment Effect for free.

Maybe the Unique also needs a small damage multiplier.

But this kind of Aspect stolen from D3 would benefit Meteor a lot.

Meteor has a higher chance to target Elites and Bosses and deals 25% more damage, while hitting less than 3 targets damage of Meteor is increased by 75-150%.

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i think it got buffed, sure we lost the 8% cdr on offhand, but we got boots with CDR that can get greater and be masterworked, so even more than before, on top of it those boots have 12k fire damage when using a cooldown skill, like meteor or iceblades, so in my book its kind of a must have anyway

I disagree - Starfall is outstanding as a unique because it opens up a way to combine meteor with other mana-hungry skills (like fireball, especially). If you want to play a build that spams meteor, you don’t use Starfall, because that’s not what it does. There are several aspects that work with meteor, though.

In general, I think they need to have uniques be more like Starfall, where they encourage using a skill in a different way. Axial Conduit falls into the same category (bugs aside) - it gives you a way to work CL into a different build and have it do something cool in the process, but it doesn’t naturally synergize with the existing stuff that buffs CL. It pushes you to use the skill in a different way.

If they just make uniques that say, “Core Skill X is now more powerful,” then they are just saying you have to find that unique to use that skill. That’s dumb. It’s fine for aspects, maybe, because they are not hard to find (and because they can eventually create multiple competing aspects for each slot), but they really need to move away from that for all uniques.

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  • to mastery is on boots so taking those boots has sort of a huge downside

Except people love what Starfall does and want to spam it, or at very least have a much less CD…because it’s fun?

I agree uniques should do more than just add x% amount of damage.

The aspects are currently terrible and need a massive buff to make meteor any good. People are using SF helm because with inc% meteor size you can overlap the extra meteors for more dmg.
One meteor alone, even when spamming, in its current state is not going to do anything.

What Starfall does is convert meteor into a cooldown skill, upping its power but making it so that you can’t spam it. So saying that you want to have Starfall without the CD is just saying you want the default spammable meteor to drop more meteors. Which is fine, but seems better solved by a “cast twice” temper or a separate aspect, because it’s just a straight buff to the skill with no drawback or build-around-me potential.

Lowering the CD on Starfall a bit could make sense if you truly get less CDR right now that you used to, but I’m skeptical of that, since you can get GAs and masterwork crits on CDR affixes. Removing it from the focus did hurt, though.

Except trying to use multiple skills this way does nothing except give you two mediocre damage buttons.

Just posted about this one an idea I thought of:

  • Instead of altering the skill itself to add a new equippable instance (so yes, a Sorc. could technically use both - the Meteor from it’s spell, Meteor from Enchant, AND the meteor from Starfall)

The cool thing about this is it also allows other classes (if make the helm all-class equippable) to use Meteor :slight_smile:

Think the same/similar can be done with TR allowing to equip Tornado for example

Well, when one of them is a cooldown skill, it gives you extra, mana-free damage. And most things that buff fireball also buff meteor. There’s even an aspect that explicitly buffs both.

Eh, what I want the most is the changes to the Meteor itself.
Something like this at the minimum:
-Damage seriously increased (more compared to most other skills)
-The falling speed upgrade becomes innate, maybe even scales with level
-The 30% chance to drop another meteor when it hits 3+ targets now work against single bosses and elites as well
-Base size increased
-Meteorites from aspect of shattered stars become innate. If used against bosses, all three will homing attack the boss.
-Lucky hit effect of Meteor enchantment buffed from 8% to 15-20%

Starfall Coronet goes next.
-Cooldown range of Starfall Coronet changed to 3-6 seconds