The Oculus random teleport is a joke!

Blizzard what’s the point of random teleport? Is this suppossed to be fun or what? Don’t you understand that any random effects are irritating, players want to have control where they teleport, not some random useless effect which oftentimes gets you killed after teleporting in a pack of mobs when you try to avoid them.

Please remove this random teleport and instead make it " After teleporting deal 20% increased damage for 5 seconds". This way this wand will be useful instead being crap and gimmick item.


The random teleport was a downside to an otherwise excellent item with useful stats that compensated the downside. Now it’s the main feature and basically useless.

it’s like the meme that asks people to say a super power, then someone says a modification to make it bad. Blizz is master class at this.

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Like a superhero with the power of suicide. :rofl:


Yes, they destroyed great item with this random teleport downside.

And why almost every Sorcerer unique needs to have downside effect in the first place? Other classes don’t have such effects, why Sorcerers are punished in almost every way possible?

The Oculus is a Sorceress Only weapon from Diablo 2.

The random teleport isn’t necessarily supposed to be a downside to the weapon but a unique feature to keep the sorceress out of melee range. The random nature of this ability is similar to the Phasing spell from Diablo 1.

Diablo 4 could have upgraded this ability and made it so that the teleport effect would teleport you to a safe, nearby location instead of to a random spot.

It’s a safety feature not a downside but similar to how shields work it can be a disruption or hinderance.

They just copied it from D2 without playing D2 or testing it in D4. In d2 it didn’t proc all the time and even if it did teleport wasn’t on a CD. It just goes to show more lazy design and incompetent devs work in the game

A good affix would have been:

“Equiping this item will transform your Evade into a full teleport. Evade will not consume the cooldown of teleport if you have it on your skill bar. The skill has its cooldown lowered by x seconds and adds [+]XX% Crowd Control Duration to the next skill you use after the teleport and has any effects from enchant slots doubled.”

Something like that. Or some variation of it.

And let other classes use it too ;p

Ah yes, let’s hear the opinion of non-sorcs on a sorc item’s usefulness…

Like a guy explaining periods to his girlfriend.

+ 15 ranks of teleport. Additional evade charges. We essentially now have the ability to permanently spam teleport.

Spamming teleport can give us infinite mana, permanent 30% dr, a barrier of to 30% of our max life on each cast, a stun and a pixel pull on each cast, unstoppable on each cast.

The stun powers the control aspect which can give 53% multiplicative damage.

The barrier triggers several additional bonuses.

The mana regen keeps us topped off with 100+ mana enabling us to use the elementalist aspect which gives us +40% crit chance for staying above 100 mana.

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lol im starting to think that the people that complain about the affix never used the item?
Why on earth would you use the evade button over tele, you can literally spam tele, you can break CC proc protection, proc DR. and pinpoint where you want to go,

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