The Non Subtle, Non Gradual, Extinction of Cooldown Reduction and Tieing Sorcerer DPS to Barrier

On Cooldown Reduction-
Next season we are down to just neck and helm for cooldown reduction. Just pause a second and let that sink in. That same season they are adding 3 seconds to teleport which is one tool many of us use to generate our tiny, short barriers through the Protection passive. If anything we should be seeing a reduction in cooldown times across the board, not double nerfing them. We need a very distinct and noticeable drop in our cooldowns across the board EVERY time you remove the possibility of us gaining cooldown reduction. If you continue this trend, NO items will come with cooldown reduction while our cooldowns and durations remain unchanged or are nerfed.

On Lucky Hit-
Because you insist on consistently giving sorc the worst base lucky hit chances of all the classes across all our skills, I do not find passives, aspects, or affects tied to it nearly as appealing as I do when playing my rogue or barbarian. Stick lucky hit on my bow or my 2 handed hammer where I have skills that make lucky hit valuable, not as rare as uninvested overpowers. Actually, I have a better chance, 3%, of overpowering on a skill than my Hydra, 2.5% lucky hit, has of getting a lucky hit. To make these two occurrences have equal opportunities of happening, I’d need to stack up 50% lucky hit chance while investing NOTHING in overpower. That’s how ridiculously over zealous you’ve been in lowering lucky hit value. Just look at how few frost sorcerers pick the avalanche key passive as evidence of how horrible the state of our lucky hits are. That tiny 10% chance tied to lucky hit values that say “Yeah it’ll be a cold day in hell before I ever see this actually happening” even if I could somehow stack 300% lucky hit my frost orb would have a value of only 12% which would give my frost orbs a 1.2% chance of getting avalanche to proc. Victimize has a 50% lucky hit chance and barrage (mass AOE) has a base 16% value. Notice how both values are 4 and 5 times as high, while also looking at how much more powerful victimize is at base while scaling to mind blowing numbers even without the double dipping. Throw your innate lucky hit at another class that wants it because you haven’t nerfed the ever living heck out of them seeing a meaningful return out of it. In fact, while you are insisting on increasing the number value of my cooldowns, why not make precision magic give 15% cooldown reduction. Afterall taking a much larger number than the 4% lucky hit chance of my frost orbs, 14 - 20 second cooldowns, make that 15% much more valuable to me.

On our Primary DPS Aspects being tied to our Barrier-
I can’t think of any sorcerer builds that don’t use Storm Swell and/or Conceited. Yet, you give our barriers a maximum duration of 3 to 6 seconds, which, without being immune, survive only if we are not hit. Direct hit, splash damage, ground affects, it doesn’t matter; our barriers are pathetic. Next patch you are decreasing how often we can generate our pathetic barriers while still making Storm Swell and/or Conceited the aspects that pretty much every build attempts to use. It’s like a design decision to have us incapable of generating meaningful DPS during our ever shortening life expectancies. With it becoming more and more obvious that you want sorcerer barriers to be more like fraction of a second immunity frames without the actual immunity. Perhaps these aspects should be reworked to something like 20 seconds after that tiny little flash that where we had barrier or 9 seconds after evading.

New Aspect Suggestion-
It’s becoming more and more clear that your vision of the sorcerer has changed. We aren’t meant to wield supreme elemental magic on the battlefield, the weakest rogue builds do a better job of that. No, it’s become obvious, that the sorcerer’s niche is to make other classes feel durable and powerful. No other class can help all the other classes feel so hardy and powerful. Just them witnessing the sorcerer ducking and weaving on the edge of death in our epic battle with a bee that we have chain lighting 80 times. That has to inspire other classes that may have not even realized, hey there’s a bee buzzing over there. Sadly, we are all flash and no bang, well, besides the thud of our corpses hitting the ground. With the realization that we are not there to do damage, or survive, No! Our job is obviously to inspire. I suggest our next Aspect to be Bardic Inspiration! We can dance around the hardier classes and the classes with better scaling passives and skills and inspire them with our praise. The dancing around might even help us survive longer while we prance about casting the prettiest of our ineffective spells. Heck, i’m inspired already. Next season I just have to pick which spells I think are the prettiest and hope that they truly inspire the other classes that were designed to do damage and survive.

Blizzard Dev team every sorcerer patch, “…extra spit just the way you like it. Sad? Write a song about it.”


100% agree. All of Sorc’s defenses AND several offensive powers are tied to barriers which are tied to cdr (heavens knows why) so increasing the cooldowns while simultaneously removing cdr from focus is just a slap in the face and a clear sign that whoever is making these changes never played a sorc past lvl 50ish.

On a side note, as a former sorc player, I was running some helltides on my necro earlier today and came across a sorc trying to play meteor. I felt terrible for them lmao.


Yeah, I play a couple of necros this season and a rogue. The necro minions have been crazy strong for leveling and pushing as much as I have. The sorc has been wicked fun, leveled fast, but is capping out way too quickly. My rogue isn’t actually that much stronger than my sorc, but, I can see with parallel quality in gear and time invested my rogue could outshine them all, even fixing the double dipping and cutting victimize by 2/3 instead of buffing it by 50%, that key passive is that much stronger than anything available to the sorc or necro.

The only way to wreck that passive would be to give it a lucky hit chance that’s crazy/stupid low like avalanche and give rogue skills in general criminally low lucky hit like the sorcerer. Even if they did all that, it’d still be ridiculously stronger than avalanche. I mean 50% chance of an explosive 475% multiplier of the damage you do that scales with 120% of a stat you can stack to crazy levels vs 10% chance to do 60% more damage.

That’s like giving one kid a used sock for christmas and buying the other a sports car that the other kid has to wax once a week with his used sock. There’s bad design decisions, and than there’s decisions that make you wanna ask, what the hell is going on?

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I just realized they are removing the CDR from the off hand. WTF?!!! Why?!!!

S4: infinite flameshield
S5: infinite deathscreen


Lmfao excellent gggg.

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I just started my first barbarian and the difference in Helltides, nm dungeons, and the pit is ridiculous… it’s a bit sad and annoying