Like I’m pressing an Entangled Root for example, out drops 5-7 normal legendaries that I don’t want to loot, I don’t want to loot all of these because if I do, I have to port to town once every 2 min.
The amount of mental focus that is being occupied by the “loot avoiding minigame” is insane, I’m literally 100% conscious about avoidng loot all the time, every encounter is about avoiding loot,
If a loot pinata is about to explode where im fighting, I have to move away so I don’t randomly loot one of the 7 legendaries that drops, so my playstyle is almost 100% about avoiding the loot pinatas,
I would prefer WAY LESS LOOT rather than a loot filter, just little enough where it doesn’t feel horrible looting, maybe instead of having 5-7 legendaries drop every kill, how about 0-1,
Or if not just add a loot filter that hides blue/rare/legendaries and only shows greater affix and other things,
Please, this is such a small thing that you need to fix, because it’s not fun dodging loot, the hardest part about this game is not looting things, especially on controller.
Being in a hotspot like the entangled roots boss spawn, or other places like the helltide boss, or wherever can be fun, but it’s less fun because eventually the entire screen is full of loot, and even on PC avoiding all that loot while still playing the game is impossibly annoying.
It’s not fun doing a boss summon and having to chore loot every 5-6 kills or whatever, it’s less annoying I’m more OK with teleporting up to town after killing a boss a few times, fine, I’ll do that, but it’s just so frustrating.
The way I see the development of this game, it’s cool man, it’s cool this season is better than the previous etc, it’s good, but lets be real, some things need to be fixed on top of the priorities list because it’s so anti fun.
Loot blocking gameplay.
I don’t get the Infernal Horde choice allocation, I mean if it’s typical Blizzard fashion with only 1 good choice and the rest of the choices are so far below good it’s a 10 to 1 disparity in value. Why not just like buff the tumors and the soulspries A LITTLE BIT, do you play your own game or do you just not see this, or is it just to frustrate people for no reason except to frustrate?
I like playing with other players, but mostly I like playing with them in natural settings, such as helltides or whispers, like it’s fun the be naturally connected with other players, it’s just a shame that there is a lack of intent in the development department in creating such areas, like arenas(like the world boss) or fun other events that kinda connect players more naturally, that’s fun. I don’t really care enough to put together a group to run a NM dungeon, but I’d definitely press a button to auto connect me with players, cuz it’s fun to just VERY easily press a button that allows that more naturally.
Who cares, can’t wait for the game to be slightly better next season, maybe one day I’ll want to buy cosmetics in the game.
#2. Definitely off topic, but I don’t care. Bye for now.
#3. Off topic but, I guess the loot minigame triggers me the most when I’m in areas such as whispers/helltide, it’s the worst there.
It’s like the game is trying to pull me around in a negative way. I didn’t appreciate having to quest and stuff but I guess that’s cool to unlock the season and finish the achievements, I’m not going to complain about being forcefully guidelined through the gameplay experience, but
Exiting an area where I’ve obviously avoided 5000 items that block my gameplay, and I enter town and the “Missed Loot” tab in the storage is blinking, triggering me. It makes me think, will this annoy me the next season aswell?
#Just an example#
So I’m in the root nm dungeon place, and I click a root, out drops 7 legendaries and 1 draught of whispers potion, my controller doesn’t pick up on the potion I wanted to loot, so I have 2 choice, Either I use my PC mouse to loot the draught, which bugs my game slightly since I have to press Start button on my controller again to bring back steering.
Or I loot a few legendaries to be able to loot the draught of whispers, and then I can decide to throw the legendaries out again, or I can keep them and salvage them, but that’s a ticking timebomb of frustration, I don’t want to go and salvage them, I don’t want to constantly THINK omg I’m running out of inventory space because I’m mistakenly or on purpose to pick up some other item that is being blocked by the WALL of legendaries that are hindering my gameplay level of frustration.
It’s filling the meter of impending doom, soon I have to teleport back to town to salvage all the things I couldn’t avoid looting,
And it’s really really that bad, it’s not a little bad, it’s a constantly bad thing Imagine possibly trying to only loot GA items, that would be extremely diffcult (On Controller)
I try to do that anyways, it’s the most skillful gameplay avoiding the loot, literally all and any fights and pit levels in the game is easier than avoiding looting loot that you dont’ want to loot, that’s the real endgame gameplay not looting the loot you don’t want to loot, xD
Also like to expand even further,
Personally for me it’s not that I can’t see the loot, it’s fine that there’s 50 legendaries on the screen that I don’t want to loot, the problem is the loot causes “dead spaces” where I can no longer play the game, so I have to move away from the loot lava on the ground, which is a part of the skillful real endgame of “avoiding the loot” finding every fightable spot/position on the map where I haven’t had a loot rain yet, so it’s kinda lame.
It should feel better and more peaceful and less frustrating clicking an Exposed Root for example, I click it now and it’s like I’m well trained at rejecting myself from the root, while I’m still fighting cuz so many useless legendary items going to drop right, so you know, it’s stressful and just bad game design. That’s all there is, and I can’t for the life of me understand why you haven’t fixed this yet.
Also maybe this is already on your development to do list, but who knows since it could possibly be 10-15 years before you detect and patch an issue in one of your games so here goes,
When starting a NM dungeon within a NM dungeon, port directly to the next dungeon.
When Starting a Root, inside the same Root, restart the Root.
The porting out into world, into manually porting into the next NMD is an unnecessary amount of loading screens for no reason. Just saying.
Also, add NoClip to several doors within the game, it’s never a good feeling being waiting for a door to open, but you know it’s another layer of skillful gameplay, just a pro-tip > Rush to the door while fighting the monsters, click the door, then finish of the monsters, that way you save time. And I think this is in the exact similar vein of frustration that is the “loot minigame”
And Blizzard, Please I’m sure if you manage to polish these fundamentally horrible issues, really small issues compared to the amount of frustration the induce, I’m sure the game will be EVEN BETTER, and I’m so excited, but you have to fix these small cracks, because all this in repetition just expels interest in playing the game, it all adds up over time, it’s like super annoying to deal with these things over and over again.
Also, add Scattered Prism to auto loot!