The honeymoon is wearing off and without balance this game feels pointless

It is a tragedy that the season that should support the most replay ability just feels like it is lacking. With almost all spirit born being full on superman mode every other class just lacks joy to play. I know that every class has viable builds but if feels like a waste of time.

Please buff the weakest classes mid season and then balance the heck out of this game in season 7.


They really should have tried harder for the introductory season to their new expansion.


I think the damage is already done, and it’s too late to fix it. Without Spiritborn, we’d probably still have just 100 Pit levels. Ideally, once everyone maxes their glyphs at level 100, there wouldn’t be a need to keep running Pits. Most other classes are actually well-balanced. I’d much rather see them buff builds that can’t reach Pit 100 even with near-perfect gear.


I’m a new player and so far I was able to play sorcerer spiritborn and barbarian. So I will accept some salt coming towards me.

However what I see so far is most other classes requires certain not easy to reach thresholds to be effective like %60 CDR %90 crit chance etc… Which isn’t easy without double/triple critical masterworking on greater affix items. Spiritborn will come down next season but it will still be relatively easy to progress because for most builds finding the right unique items does the majority of the job.

I’m trying a barbarian rn. Despite using 3 more items and being a str base class I find it harder to reach armor and resistance caps than a spiritborn. I’m not going to complain about how SB doesn’t quadrillion times more damage that will be fixed but still barbarian lacks damage so bad only one build does well others are all at the bottom.

I don’t think a lot of people will be playing the game if they don’t take quick action.


Yep. This season’s gonna fizzle out quick. Only so much 1 shotting Duriel over and over again and speed running pit 150 people are gonna be able to take before they realize the mindlessness and existential boredom. Play another class? But they all suck log! Is what everyone will say. So it is time, to log off.

It’s ok the game will be more balanced in Season 7. Except now that people don’t have access to god mode anymore they will say they are not having fun. So it’s log off time again. Good job Blizzard. Skipping playtesting a class worked out well for you. And all of us.


I don’t think the balance is what makes it feel so dull.
I have pretty much ignored the new class entirely and now in Torment 4 it feels like such a chore.

It is overall too repetitive for the length of the grind. That is the easiest way to put it.
Also there is nothing specific to the Torment Tiers. There is litlerally no reason to go from one to the next other than a small buf to drop rates and a penalty to your armor and resistances.

SpiritBorn could be nerfed to the ground or not even exist and you would feel this.

It needs more to do in the time they expect you to grind.


Yup, soulless grind for no reward is killing it for me. This game is about “chase”, but when you are looking for something very specific - you can just already tell yourself you are NOT going to find it. And also after that you must not brick that item in RNG crafting. So many layers of RNG that I just don’t want to even keep trying.

Also - there is nothing worth trying. I already reached pit 100 as necro and literally don’t know what is else left for me beside pit grinding even more. I could try if droprates were generous, maybe I would find that super-BiS item that takes me 5 floors higher. But right now? Nope.

Also I’m not eager to level alts because of the same thing + I need to re-level glyphs etc.


The definitely killed the urge to play alts.


I completely agree with you. I’m farming T4 on my SB like it’s normal mode but the repetitiveness and not being able to find anything for almost 50h isn’t something I’m looking forward in another season.

I tried a barbarian. This time not being able to do things or needing to many rare items to do them became the problem.

There’s no middle ground.


You know, I could of sworn I’ve seen this Exact same topic from other people from the last 11 days…


Personally I just think everyone fell for the trap… I’m guessing a few things happened.

  1. They tried some new Double Damage and Skill hit twice Affixes on Uniques… No other classes have this affix, so I’d assume a rework on some of them is coming in the future to add it to some of them. Deathblow comes to mind, from Overkill, considering Deathblow itself is 150x to bosses, but unfortunately, it’s really hard to kill trash… Oddly enough. We are talking the difference between 300m on trash… And 3-6billion on a boss… This makes Pit clearing with that build in general, pretty much a hard stop at 80-85, even though I did finish 90 with aspects I don’t like to use… The problem isn’t that the other classes builds are weak… It’s that with absolute best gear, best paragon, best masterworks, it can’t scale high enough to go further… So where do the changes need to be made?

2.They knew the Spiritborn was going to be strong, but never had enough testing or time to test it before release. They were forced to go ahead with it after heavily bringing down the other classes to a somewhat, surprisingly even level, considering the Pit clears are pretty close across the board for everyone except Spiritborn.

This means everyone and there mother is providing them with all the data they need to bring them back down to reality since we all like to be smart and post all this nice convenient videos on YouTube of the exact setups and paragons and gear and hitting for hugemungozillions. They just use us to find where the balances and/or bugged interactions are for them. We literally post it online for them to see.

3.They haven’t decided what the best course of action is yet. Bring people up to Spiritborn, or bring Spiritborn down to everyone else. There’s several outliers here that make it difficult. Until our other classes see some “double Damage” or “Skill hits Twice” love on the Uniques, no matter where they bring the other classes and Spiritborn, the Spiritborn will continue to be better than all others because of this affix on a unique. I’ve tried several of these affixes on legendaries, but it just doesn’t hold up to the affix being on a Unique. Because pretty much all the time, the lack of the build changing aspect on the unique, the double dmg or hitting twice affix is pretty worthless on a legendary.

But with all that said, I’m almost positive it’s a mixture of all these things that happened. A kind of a “pigeon hole” to use Spiritborn, JUST for testing and balancing purposes because the class wasn’t ready yet to be released and everyone is gonna have a dose of reality soon enough. The game can’t stay this way… It just can’t. The main reason why I didn’t even try the class, until it’s going to be playing the way its supposed to be playing


:100: to both

Instead of sharing Glyphs they decided to share Paragon => BIG mistake, HUGE

First of all 200+ Paragon = immediate trivialization of any Alt, and secondly without shared Glyphs there’s no reason to “farm” (or even bother) for Alts

That’s what happens when people have no vision what-so-ever and just wanna maximize charts and ratings overnight at all cost

Each and every time they do such a dumb decision that comes from the wrong motives - the game dies more and more


You can’t share glyphs… Everyone’s glyphs do something different… And don’t even have the same names, aside from Exploit, but a barbarians exploit is quite different than others Exploit. So what are we “sharing”

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There are like easily 15 glyphs that are generic that can be used across all classes (or at least a few), and even without that the whole mindset of theirs is completely motivated wrongly => that’s the problem

There’s no reason for pits 100-150 to exist, there’s no reason for Glyph levels 50-99 to exist, that’s just trying to make people more busy and get bigger engagement ratings in return. There’s no reason for 200+ Paragon to be immediately inherited on an Alt

Had they actually tried to make the game interesting instead of just “throw stuff” that will keep players busy (or satiate the greed of some) for the sake of engagement metrics - we’d have had this worked up by now

Heck we’d have had the game (already) in a much better spot, it’s the same “greed is good” but turns out not so good after a week or two - over and over


Yes. This. This why game feel soulless and hollow. They just keep adding busy stuff that’s obviously for time played metrics and is unfun. They took away anything fun from season 4 and 5 that made alts both fun to play and worth playing.

There is more content than ever and a brand new expansion and it’s the shortest season I’ve ever played by a country mile. Why? Because it’s all just grind this to grind that to grind that other thing and then get no reward. On top of class most op thing ever making all the other classes feel a waste of time to play. No spark for alts anymore. No repeatable faction for rewards anymore. They took everything fun and rewarding away. They thought this unrewarding chase the carrot forever grind would make people play longer. Just makes me stop because no rewards. Just a waste of time grinding for zero reason.


Paragon sharing is very good change. This is a seasonal game, this particular idea was actually very good. This way you can have paragon 300 being faaaar away, but that doesn’t bother you because whatever character you play - you go forward. Goal is distant, but you never reset progress so it’s not that bad.

Another story is if that goal is not a bit too distant, but this change in general is good - it encourages playing alts.

Also glyphs should be shared if they can be shared, not every class has the same glyphs, but that’s fine. For example Eliminator can be used by Sorc, Necro and Druid - and if it can, then it should be shared between these characters.


Seasons already dead. I’ve been done for close to a week now, my friends list dropped off a day or two before that outside a few die hards. They truly truly don’t care at all, they got their money with the initial purchases. PoE2 will be here soon to remind us what an ARPG is when the company still cares about making a good game.


What damage done to you? This Damage? :rofl:


I think the damage is already done, and it’s too late to fix it.

This season is a disaster. 700+ boss kills without a usable mythic unique. Repeatedly rerolling masterworking, but getting the same affix increase 5+ times in a row. Almost impossible to get max aspect rolls. Absurdly low drop rates for Iron and Rawhide. Grossly overpowered Spirit born, while all other classes are ignored.
Diablo 4 release was bad, but Diablo 4 expansion is really BAD! Everyone I know who stilled played Diablo 4 after the previous bad decisions by Blizzard, gave up a few weeks into season 6.
Blizzard has lost sight of what made previous Diablo games so good.


Balance is lame and boring, don’t see people’s obsession with it. I like becoming as OP as possible.