The raven is a nice idea, and convenient if you happen to be right next to it when you hit 10 favors, but it’s often still more convenient to just teleport back to the tree rather than run across the map and back.
It also does nothing for the problem of overlapping objectives. This should be more efficient than doing bounties one at a time, but it’s often the opposite. For example, I’ll frequently be fighting the Maiden in Helltides and complete the bounty for picking up cinders or killing demons, filling my favors, and then I won’t get credit for the Maiden so I have to redo the event. In the new season 7 Headhunt, I might have to restart the entire Wisps event if I kill too many Headrotten in the course of the event and incidentally complete the Purge the Rot bounty.
Another problem with this specific to Headhunts is that Exposed Roots frequently spawn when you complete a bounty, but you’re also likely to have just filled up your Grim Favors at this point. You’re put in the position of either leaving to make room for more favors and risking having the Exposed Roots despawn, or activating the Exposed Roots and risking spawning a cocoon that you won’t get credit for toward the Fugitive bounty.
Rather than saving time, I actually end up spending more time because some of my effort isn’t counted. In the case of the Maiden, I also have to spend additional resources to resummon her. If it’s something like killing Hellborne that I don’t get credit for, I might have to refill the entire progress bar. This already feels bad enough, but Helltides and Headhunts are also timed, so I might just not be able to complete them again in the remaining time.
Either raising the cap on Grim Favors and allowing multiple turn-ins or autocompleting the quest and keeping a count of rewards similar to the repeatable mercenary rapport or previous seasons’ reputation rewards seems like an obviously better solution.
I know this isn’t a new issue, but since there was an attempt to address it, I thought I would point out its shortcomings.
To me, this is actually a bigger deal than people think. It completely takes you out of the immersion of the game and quite frankly, these are the little details that keep getting missed with D4. I hope they do take yours and others that have made suggestions for changes and actually implement it before the season starts.
You are right. It takes you out of the game loop. Had that a lot in the new zones. At some point it’s full but you want to keep slaying the husks and all the other investations. But you have to run to the tree and come back in time. At least for me the server I’m on wasn’t changed.
They’ve got a system in the game that they can make use of for this purpose. The devs could use the infinite cache system that they have for the mercenaries with the whispers as well, with each “redemption” bringing up a menu that gives you three randomized choices just like the tree. That way you don’t have to leave the task you’re on and can go do your rounds in one fell swoop without constantly having to go back and forth. They could bake this into the whisper bar UI that’s on the map so you can do this on the go.
I agree. They should let us stack the rewards before turning them in. Having to turn them in every 10 grim favors is annoying. they should let us collect 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 then let us turn them all in at once consecutively.
Agreed! I made a post about this as well but I can definitely see it being fun to just do a bunch of whispers and then turn in several and open a bunch of whisper caches. Considering you can already go over 10, it should be relatively easy to just uncap it. It would be a great QOL change for the game.
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To pile onto my own post, another issue that compounds this one is that you get a loot cache when you turn in favors.
This means you either have to:
- Open the cache, wait for the comically long animation to finish, spend time looking through the loot, sell or salvage the loot, possibly salvage keys, possibly fill your socketable inventory, possibly fill your consumable inventory
- Carry around the cache(s) until you’re done with bounties, reducing your usable inventory space (this is also the only option available when turning in favors at the Raven, unless you make a separate trip which negates the point of the Raven)
- Drop the cache(s) off at your stash, assuming you have space, which you probably don’t because for some reason we only get 1/n storage space for n characters instead of each character getting the same storage space like every other game in existence
The first option drastically increases the amount of time taken, the second causes more frequent interruption because your inventory fills up faster, and the third would still take some additional time if it weren’t a myth.
Dealing with the rewards in the middle of already being taken out of the action makes it feel more like a burden than a reward, and just adds to the feeling of interruption.
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Grim Favors could stack the same way that the mercenary renown stacks.
100% agree. raven is neat but doesn’t fix the real issues as op stated very well.
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