☢ The game needs "to difficult" content

Can’t have difficult content in a garbage American couch co-op console game.


I think it is light overkill, by hay don’t mid it at all, as long as devs make it fun, not just mouse button masher, that would work great. Maybe I’d rather have that 1% crit. to be at least new mechanic involved. Like “double crit. mechanic”, or smthn with low proc obtained only on hmm… “charms lets say”. That makes already min-maxed characters which don’t loot anything use their inventory and it creates new stable item for adding whatever we want on it. So yeah, this is just my 2 cent, or how I would do it.

Biggest bs i have read in a long time.
Im not even level 80 after a “few days” play and my gear isnt close to good or even decent.

If it was too hard to hit 200 that actually wouldn’t be a problem for a season or 2, it was years before D3 hit GR cap of 150 and no one complained of an unobtainable cap, they knew it would happen eventually.

Not sure they will go that path here, but would be no big deal if they did.

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As Plüsch said can agree with the rest of the post but kinda disagree here.

Why do you wan’t all content to be farmable? …for what kind of content do you “farm” further if you can 1 hit everything anyway?

Good ARPGs have 2 section: Farming (endgame grind) and challanging content (the reason for all the grind).

I mean whats the problem having content to work towards?..content that requires you to min/max your own character instead of facerolling all content with above avarage gear?

And I don’t talk here about locking out people from brandnew content if they don’t have good gear…I talk about a Pit difference of 20 levels

Pit 180-200 are not even 1% of the game, are the other 99% of the game not enough for you to “farm”?

WHy do people have the urge to “faceroll” every difficulty level the game has to offer within a short time?

I know that the younger generation nowdays wants to achieve everything within a very short time and I blame TikTok and Co. for theyr inpatience nowdays but don’t forget that the season runs over 3 months.

If you can farm everyting in the game but have no higher goal for the “farm”, whats the point of endgame farming?..Finishing the Battle Pass?

So the question is, do we want a game that entertains and even challanges the whole lifespan of a season or a game where we faceroll (farm) all content within a short time and where min/maxing becomes obsolet? :wink:


Usually, games get harder the further you progress, not easier.
I get the power fantasy but that should come from taking down more challenging enemies.


That’s not why people play diablo. They want an easy game they can pretend to be good at.

I beg to differ. Who are “they, the people”? Am I not one of them?


I play Diablo (and ARPGs in general) since Diablo 1 release…And 1-hitting ALL content with avarage gear is not the reason why people play this genre, sry. ^^

Yes during the farming process one hitting everything is a good thing (ofc if you own decent gear)…but having this behaviour for 100% of the content simply kills the need to min/max the own char and makes the game super boring rly fast.

Maybe this is true for your person that you like to faceroll all content in Diablo without any effort, but surely not for the whole community.

Even all my casual friends left D4 bcs its to easy and no content that gives you a reason to farm for 100ts of hours…I think at this point most of the D4 player are CORE player and we’re able to handle a little bit challange.

And as said:

You have so much easy content in this game…whats the problem to have 1% really hard content to push the own builds to the limit?

If you don’t want this, simply play the other 99% and enjoy the content being trivial. :wink:


I didn’t say easy or faceroll. I said farmable. The item chase is the essence of good ARPG. Where is the perpetually harder content in D2? People didn’t play that for harder content. They played it for the treasure hunt. I’d like that element back. If you want leveled dungeons, fine. But the treasure hunt of truly rare and amazing items would keep people playing longer than repeating dungeons for crafting materials. Especially with the limited trade of D4. You have to find a lot of those things yourself.


Are we as a playerbase for the Diablo franchise just totally unpleasable?



It is fine to have nearly unbeatable content.
However, it is equally important that any difficulty levels above what a large set of builds can do, and the max (unbeatable) content, offer NO additional rewards.
If you keep getting more/better rewards the higher you go into nearly unbeatable content, the more the game rewards exploits and bugs, and the more the players will feel like they need to abuse those.

As an example, if we imagined that a good amount of builds (like 50+ builds) could do Pit 150, while nobody could do Pit 200, then make 150 offer max rewards.

Have difficult content, existing solely for the challenge itself.
There is no need for an never ending power and reward creep.

On a somewhat different, but related, node however… dont have 200 freaking levels in a difficulty setting. It is absurd. Change it to maybe 20 Pit levels instead. So each change in difficulty level can actually be noticed. That will also help with the sense of difficulty in the game, when you sometimes need to jump outside our comfort zone, when going up a difficulty level. Instead of it being so smooth a progression curve that it feels like nothing ever changes.

And another thing; don’t just increase difficulty by increasing HP and Dmg. The game already suffers plenty from oneshotting.
Alter monster mechanics etc. too, so the difficulty levels feel different from one another.


Sure, it is clearly why some people play Diablo. Blizzard should stop listening to them though.
I bet that many of the people who think they like facerolling easy content, would actually enjoy harder content more, if given the chance. They are just too used to developers caving when they complain about not being able to get/do everything instantly.

There is just not “a playerbase”.



That’s what has been missing from the Diablo franchise for me. Making those gold font items show up.

I want to be able to farm over and over to get uniques for alts and stuff, to have fun experimenting with a variety of builds and making them work.

That has been lost.

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It is a seasonal game. We have lvled to 100 now already 10s of times. It supposed to be fast lvling to 100!

Yeah sure, but in PTR you had infinite materials, obols for gambling very good gear and gold.

minimum 70% of the player base of Diablo in general played the game because it wasn’t/isn’t a difficult game.

In my opinion PTR and the chanes they are making are good and towards the right direction. If they also fix the issues that so many of us mentioned in our feedback related to bugs and QoL its definitely a new better game

Things in the PTR were wild lol. I am confident that won’t be the case in S4. At least I hope not.

While class balance is an important goal, it’s not applicable to hard content alone. Some builds are vastly superior to others when speed farming low tier content, too.

I’d like the gameplay loop to be:
get better (gear) → do harder content → repeat
instead of:
get better gear → press less buttons in easier content → repeat

There’s nothing wrong with harder content being more rewarding.


Never trust a statistic you didn’t make up yourself.

Definitely not.
But the exploity stuff is usually more relevant for the harder content.
It should of course not serve as an excuse for devs not balancing the builds however.

To a degree.
But imo without the repeat part. Both the lvling, gear and difficulty progression should have a well-defined end point.
Endless progression only serves to create meaningless progression.

Imo there is everything wrong with it. If taken too far, it will always result in less and less builds being considered viable. No amount of balancing can prevent that. Much better to simply not reward the extreme outlier imbalances.

Seasons are 3 months long (sadly, should be longer). It could take 3 months to reach lvl 100, and it would still be fine.
Heck, it could take longer than 3 months. You dont exactly need to be able to reach max lvl.
D2 lvling worked fine even though most people couldnt bother to reach max lvl on a character before they started a new one.

Diablo playerbase/fanbase is the biggest of all ARPGs in history