The Forums are never mentioned

Forums provide stability. Streamers come and go. It’s not like you sign them like free agents. If you did, no one would watch them. Catch 22. Forums are about as minimalistic an approach to community building as there is. That’s what makes them solid, foundational building blocks. Spruce things up a bit. Add some minor bells and whistles. Pretend it’s 2004 and you work at the Vault Network. When ppl gave up and let social media take over it’s gone downhill. Just look at this place. It’s more like a PvP arena than a forum.

It’s obvious why Blizzard NEVER reads the forum. It’s mostly just pure rage.

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My Atari 835 modem connected to the Atari 800 logging me into the BBSes of the day say otherwise. :wink:


Then im assuming NO information and feedback from the general discussions is used in your meetings for future changes to the game or balance decisions.

I hope im wrong.

I can tell you now that you are wrong. However, just because the feedback is relayed to the Dev team, does not mean they:

  • consider it good for their concept of the game
  • consider it something they can implement short term
  • want to implement it the way you suggest. They might want to tweak it
  • Have a timeline you might want for when changes will happen

Having the info does not mean the Devs have to agree with it and want to implement it. A whole lot of things we do discuss here (and other feedback locations) have made it into the game, or will in future patches.

They are not going to give you an itemized list.

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D4 has a pretty aggressive live team. You never know til you ask.

About a great many things….in my best emperor voice.

Yeah your post vanished when I was reading it.

But really dude MissCheeta is trying to help and explain how things work. Cut her some slack and btw “you people” is never a good way to start any conversation

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Absolutely agree, I don’t x, or tweet, don’t twitch or use Reddit. It would be great to get our news here.


So they are going to do everything I asked and turn this into a full on roguelite like Diablo 1?


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Explains why all their blue posts are tone deaf.

It just makes me so depressed I won’t get to experience the high I crave for my addiction in video games. This has led me into a deep food depression as I eat half a tub of cookie dough ice cream while crying.

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Still no one has told me why the devs post everything on Reddit and Twitter. What are these forums good for, if even the devs avoid them?

They told us a few years ago that they would be moving away from the forums and onto other platforms.

Why in the world would a Diablo developer want to waste time with the crying Karen’s on this forum. :sob: :sob:

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where else can I go for Babylon 5 references?

That’s what class forums are for. Mostly friendly and informative.

General discussion isn’t for best gear for X topics. It’s for steering the outcome of the game and sharing things we like and don’t like as a group, as well as the issues that polarize the group. Once you cut through all the first-post trolls and known malcontents, anyway.

If I see someone post a specific question about gameplay for a class, I usually direct them to the class forums. You’d be surprised how many don’t even know they exists. You aren’t getting that kind of specific help on twitter or twitch. Discord, sure, in the right channel.

It’s why people that everyone calls “whiteknights” want to keep the forums free of just hate posts and garbage. This makes it better to get real ideas out there to the people that need to see them whether for change or keeping something the same.

Nature abhors a vacuum. The vast majority of people here want to talk about the game, help it get better and help others figure things out. There’s no chat in Diablo IV other than trade, so forum is pretty much it for community content. Finding clans, meeting people to play with, stuff like that. When trolls come in and make trouble people tend to want to fight them off so they can get back to their Diablo biz.

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When I come to the forum it is to learn something from people who know what they are talking about.
Mostly I am entertained by the whiners and crybabies. :popcorn:

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I can see a lot of interesting feedback every day.

But I have never seen any similar related updates from Blizzard.

The designers they execute only believe in their own fantasies.

And don’t test it, then go live directly. The ultimate result is a bunch of inexplicable bugs.

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