The Forums are never mentioned

ALL companies are focused on money. That doesn’t mean ALL companies are ONLY focused on money. Lots of companies in fact focus on money while also focusing on product quality.

In this case they made their profits, but now instead of investing in the product, like they should, they’re being greedy expecting to milk everyone dry while patting themselves on the back for copy/paste ideas. Here’s your new robot monsters. They are the same as all the other monsters. Even the attacks are the same. We put in so much work on it, lul.

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Streamers are transient. I went into Raxx stteam friday after the emergency patch and he was playing Palworld. Do you think Planet Diablo (rando name) is going to start covering Palworld news whenever they get butt hurt? No. Fansites stay focused. Forever.

Maybe because the forums are littered with toxic trolls who do not contribute to the strategy and tactics of the game. People who may come to the forums for information on improving their play and instead run into a wall of hate and bile are quick to leave.

you pay for product quality. You are mixing apples and oranges.

The problem is, the lines get blurred when companies put out poor products but still charge for quality.

Corporations may put out multiple tiered products at different price ranges, but ANY company only cares about money.

But i will entertain you. Please name a company that cares about money WHILE caring about product quality. Then we can talk about why the price is so high.

I am not saying i disagree with you, because i do agree with you. All i am saying is that companies care most about money. If their product is good and consumers like it, it is a bonus.

Also. While we are on the topic. Companies make inferior products on purpose. Lets call them throw aways. Because a company makes more money with cheaper costing products and keep people coming back for more.

Okay so they just collect the bugs, good to know cause I was waiting for a reply in some of my posts that I made in the bug report subforum a couple of months ago lol.

The support team uses threads created in the Bug Report forum to create internal tickets for the team. Unfortunately, if they were to reply to threads there, an expectation would arise that players would be receiving live, instant technical support, and that would not be scalable. Hope that gives a little more insight! :slightly_smiling_face:


That makes sense, thanks for coming back to this.

Do the CMs gather feedback from the forums for the devs BTW?

By that i complement the question with: Do they gather from the General Forum?

So then why not make a locked notice/announcement thread where it lists bugs that your team has investigated and identified as known bugs, so that your community at least feels heard and acknowledged, and so we know there are at least planned fixes for those bugs somewhere in the future.

Edit: Cause I for one am sick and tired of posting about bugs that have existed since pre-season 1 and feeling like your company literally does not care.


Yeah to heck with that twitter craziness and I couldn’t take enough Adderall to want to go through and read anything on Reddit…

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There’s a similar post to what you’re describing on the Overwatch bug report forum, but it doesn’t get updated very often as of late. Suspect team has gotten too busy, or too thin, to regularly update it.

Would be nice if Blizzard did a Trello board like some smaller developers do, but suspect corporate wouldn’t care for it.

I thought the forums were only for people who have hate-ons for the game.

Yes, we do, there is regular reporting that we send to the team and I do source plenty of it from here. Similar to the support team, I am not able to post to every thread acknowledging them personally, but I do read them all, and ensure that the community’s voice is heard. This doesn’t always mean a fix is easy, or that we can implement everything asked for (much of it conflicting), but it does drive changes that the team makes.



We should save Lyricana’s post above for reference.

Forums have the “least participation” because they are all guaranteed players who at least own a copy of the game. Any Joe Schmo can post on Twitter. The forums have focused disccusion and is a direct conduit to the players. Someone in their Ivory Tower does not realize that players are not checking Twitter and sending Tweets. To even group a Game Forum in with “Social Media” is naive at best. Thank you for reinforcing just how disconnected Blizzard truly is with the playerbase.

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You know I don’t work for, or represent Blizzard, right? You are not totally new here so I assume you know that.

And yes, Forums are an older form of social media. We can go back farther to text chat rooms if someone wanted, but yeah. I like them because they are not limited to short “tweets”, don’t have an algorithm that prioritizes images/videos, and don’t shove things in your face based on whatever the company thinks you want. People post, you read and reply if you wish at your own pace. Better format for discussions. Easy to come back to a thread later and pick up where you left off.

You and I can both love the forum format, but that does not make the player base conform to our wishes. They use what they want, and right now forums are just not really cool.

They have the stats. They know just how few people actually regularly read, much less post, on the forums. They have those same stats for all the other forms of player engagement. Decisions and resource allocation are going to be based on that.

I am quite happy we now have Lyricana on General jumping into threads. We have not had that since Nevalistis left in 2020.


Most people over 40 don’t use social media. Diablo has a pretty old fanbase.


What’s your favorite psychotropic medication?

Forums are OG.

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That’s why I never believe on all of them. I play the game myself without listening to their whines which is mostly learn2play imo.

Yup and we shotgun whining noobs here to get it sorted.